Thank the Dark One for backups!


Fractal Fanatic
I was messing around with one of my key presets earlier. Trying out different amp models. I was on a sound I didn't particularly like, and accidentally clicked Save. I switched back to the original amp model, but preset sounded totally different and nasty. Panic sets in. Then I remember I did a complete backup before updating to Cygnus. Restored and all was well again.

Backup yer shit, folks!
I was messing around with one of my key presets earlier. Trying out different amp models. I was on a sound I didn't particularly like, and accidentally clicked Save. I switched back to the original amp model, but preset sounded totally different and nasty. Panic sets in. Then I remember I did a complete backup before updating to Cygnus. Restored and all was well again.

Backup yer shit, folks!
I'm trying to use the Snapshot feature when I'm tweaking.

I figured out I could open a preset, take a snapshot, use the Preset Manager to reset the cab channels, then return to the layout and take another snapshot, and then I'd have a before and after when the manager had done its job. After changing something I take another snapshot, so it's like a revision history and it's easy to go backwards and forwards and try things. When I'm happy I'll save and move to the next preset.

My backup directory is inside my Google Drive folder so it immediately syncs to the cloud, and it's also backed up by Time Machine and to an offsite cloud backup thingie company.
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