Tempo keeps resetting to 120?


Maybe I'm just stupid. I'm trying to set up a preset with a tempo of 111. But when I click into the setting, which defaults to 120, and change it to 111, it resets back to 120 as soon as I hit enter. Am I doing something wrong?
there are two settings for the tempo - "global" and "preset". if you want to ssave a tempo setting with your preset, then you need to make sure the tempo setting is on "preset". hit the tempo button on the front panel, or click on the tempo in the editor and yu will see how to change it
there are two settings for the tempo - "global" and "preset". if you want to ssave a tempo setting with your preset, then you need to make sure the tempo setting is on "preset". hit the tempo button on the front panel, or click on the tempo in the editor and yu will see how to change it
Ohhhh! I never knew this. I'll check it out. Thanks!
I'm using center switch hold for tuner. Left and right switches for preset up and down on press, scene up and down on hold. I'll just have to come up with a different function for center switch press besides tap tempo. I sure do wish you could activate control switches via MIDI.
You can still use it for tap tempo. Just set it to send a regular CC message with a value of 127 instead of the MIDI Baby's built in tap tempo feature and turn off MIDI clock. In the FM3, you can then set tap tempo to that same CC# in the MIDI/Remote menu. That will let you send individual taps to the FM3 allowing it to calculate the tap tempo instead of syncing to MIDI clock. The FM3 will then use any preset tempos you save and won't change until you manually tap in a new tempo. If you have MIDI clock turned on in the MIDI Baby, it will send it out continuously, overriding any saved tempos in the FM3.
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