Wish Synth Block that outputs MIDI over the hardware DIN.


Howdy, I'm a guy who has had a synthesizer hooked up to his Axe Fx ever since I've owned the unit. I run the analog outs from my Yamaha MODX into the input of my Axe Fx III since it has a better range of effects than the ones on the MODX. Especially the Leslie and overdrive/distortion sounds.

So to get to my toilet thought, the Axe Fx works great for synthesizer audio, but what about generating MIDI that can be sent to a synthesizer?

To elaborate, a chain that would follow guitar -> Axe Fx input -> Synth Block -> MIDI Output on Axe Fx -> MIDI input synthesizer.

Basically a synth block that can translate notes over MIDI.

I need to look into getting a Roland GK-3 or something similar in the meantime though.
I doubt. if even this feature would be released the results will not very convincing. At least with existing VSTs it is true, only with single notes it works correct to some extent but the end of even this thing not fine
@Boomer...using the Axe's USB I/O and an instance of Midi Guitar 2 on a laptop, you can easily achieve what you're after.

If you want to go polyphonic without any glitches (Midi Guitar 2 can be glitchy in polyphonic mode), get a GK-3 pickup and a Boss GP-10, and then use the GP-10's per string USB breakout into a laptop, and then run each string to it's own instance of Midi Guitar 2.
From the looks of it, I should give MIDI Guitar 2 a spin. It should satisfy my needs for the time being.

I've been crudely converting a sine wave outputted by the synth block to MIDI using ReaTune, but it has a ton of latency, yet with surprisingly good results for monophonic.

Melodyne works decent as well for offline conversion.

The tracking on the III is really good though so I can definitely see pitch to MIDI being implemented sometime.
From the looks of it, I should give MIDI Guitar 2 a spin. It should satisfy my needs for the time being.

I've been crudely converting a sine wave outputted by the synth block to MIDI using ReaTune, but it has a ton of latency, yet with surprisingly good results for monophonic.

Melodyne works decent as well for offline conversion.

The tracking on the III is really good though so I can definitely see pitch to MIDI being implemented sometime.

Yep there will be latency if you try and convert the Synth block to Midi as there is some latency in the Synth block itself.

I doubt pitch to Midi will be implemented in this version of the Axe..it's been requested before several times. In any case, to really do guitar pitch to midi properly requires fret sensing technology like the Ror Guitars Expressiv MIDI Pro. Otherwise it's always going to have a feeling of latency after you reach a certain playing speed.
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