Wish Swing Percentage Setting

You can do this already in several ways.

1. Use any of the the MONO DELAY or STEREO DELAY TYPES types. Set the tempo and then adjust Swing using Master Time.

2. Use the DUAL DELAY. Turn LEVEL L to 0 and PAN R to 0. Set Tempo R to 1/4 note. L/R time ratio is now the "SWING" control. If you want to hear both the straight and the swing, set TEMPO L to 1/4 and turn up Level L.

3. Same with the MONO TAPE, except its "Head" levels and "Head 2 Ratio"

4. MTD : Set the tempo and then adjust MASTER TIME as a swing control. This works best with Delay 2/3/4 levels down or all Tempo controls set to whole quarter note values.

5. PLEX delay. Same as MTD, but this isn't a great use of the block.
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