SUPER LIST - Notable albums that used the Axe-Fx in its entirety...

Oh Sleeper - Children of Fire
Shane Blay uses an Ultra

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I know for a fact he didn't use his Ultra in the studio.

He uses the Ultra live though. And now he's going FRFR. I gestured him towards Alto TS115As since he liked mine.
Periphery - Periphery, Periphery II
Devin Townsend Project - Addicted, Deconstruction, Epicloud, Ki(?)
Animals As Leaders - Weightless, Animals As Leaders(?)
Jeff Loomis - Plains of Oblivion (together with his ENGL's, I hear)
Mandroid Echostar - Mandroid Echostar EP
Sacrifice to Survive - Sacrifice to Survive
Scarpoint - Mask of Sanity

Sorry to disapoint but the first Animals as Leaders release was recorded through a Pod HD (Misha mentioned that somewhere), but there is gonna be my bands EP coming soon ;). We'll be tweaking guitar tones this week, so expect a post where we'll ask for your opinion on wich is 'the one' :p. CHeers
Trivium used it on album BUT they must have had a sponsership deal with another company because it was edited out of the video interview

Trivium never used it in studio. They only use it live and that was the part edited from the video when they talked about there live setup. In studio they both used a 5150 and a maxon OD through a Mesa cab. I don't think there has still been any band go into any major studio and use the AXEFX yet. All of these albums mentioned in this thread were basically recorded in home bedroom studios.
I heard the guitarist from PigWeed has been all Axe-fx since 2008... ;)

Ahh yes Pigweed....that classic band I've never heard of in my life. Almost sounds like a made up name. "What's your band name"......"umm we are called Fart Sponge".
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Kiss - Alive and Alive II
Led Zeppelin - I, II, and III
Rush - 2112
Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold as Love

I'd rule those out.
Why does it seem to be the heavier type of band that uses the axe fx? Yes I know vai, Eric and Zappa have one but in general this list is heavy bands
probably the wide range of distortion tones available and also because it can actually be more cost effective than a good live setup for metal.

i sold my mesa mk v to get an axe 2 and my live setup was a £2300 amp head, a £600 cab about £100 worth of cables and £400 worth of effects.

all of that can be swapped out for £1900 axe fx 2 and £100 of cables
Why does it seem to be the heavier type of band that uses the axe fx? Yes I know vai, Eric and Zappa have one but in general this list is heavy bands

Many of the big names that aren't metal (Vai, Schon, Lifeson, Petrucci etc) have sponsorship deals or signature models with real amp manufacturers. Needless to to say, they get more money and publicity from staying with those manufacturers, than to go "All Axe-FX" and use the amp modelling in the Axe-FX.
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