suhr c1

Nagi Mysore

Now that my amp gasification is done and Gas still hit me.. I got me an almost new Suhr C1.

Any of you with the same guitar and what amp are you playing... What tweaks

Thank you
My bad...removed my other post.

Kinda a hard one to answer. Too many variables like what power amp, what speakers, style of music, strings, cable, etc.... Have to do a trial and error thing like most of us.
The Suhr pups have a fairly unique bark and bite to them, at least to a guy who has played Duncans forever. I have a HSS Standard that I adore. The uniques of Suhrs to me is mostly the pups, versus the woods, scale lengths, etc. Its what you'll be sculpting around with the AF2. The Suhr single coils are my fav on earth and the SSV+ has a unique voice I enjoy, though its a lot tougher for me to pick a fav humbucker.
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