Stupid I/O Question with FM3


I realize this is likely a stupid question, but as the old adage goes, the only real stupid question is the one not here goes.

I just got a fresh FM3, got it all set up for 1/4" connections (copied out 1 to out 2), and tried playing through both my new XiTone active wedge and my old Mackie monitors. Both sources get a signal (i.e. I can hear my guitar coming through, volume and tone changes work, etc.) that I can control the volume of with the output knob on the FM3, but neither is getting "any" amp modeling. To put that simply, each and every patch sounds exactly the same, which leads me to believe there's a signal processing setting that needs to be enacted that I'm missing.

To my knowledge (having used both an FM3 and an AXE3), I've got them set up correctly, but I'd welcome the folks here to disabuse me of that notion and tell me what I'm doing wrong. For reference, got my guitar going into the 1/4" input 1 and the output from the FM3 leaving through the left 1/4" channel of output 2. As both the monitors and the active wedge had the same issue, I'm led to believe it's the FM3 that needs the settings changed.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Sounds like you maybe have set Output 2 to copy Input 1 instead of Output 1. It can do both. Make sure you have it set to copy Output 1 to get the processed signal from the grid.
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