Studio Monitor Frustration!

The net never ceases to astound... I think it has killed our species' sense of humor/fun/sarcasm. There are literally millions of people who have no idea if something is serious without an emoji.
I agree, but it isn't @zenaxe fault. Communication is composed of facial expressions, body language, vocal tone and so on. When you strip all that away and just read characters on a computer screen, miscommunication is bound to happen at some point. Mistakes will be made and we must be understanding when others don't receive it the way we intended it. This is where asking for clarification is key before making assumptions. However, this is the internet. People don't like to take the time. This is how most arguments get started and then people start talking past each other. Facebook, Twitter and the like are cesspools in my opinion. I avoid them at all cost. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer traditional human interaction. Hell, I prefer a phone call over text.
I agree, but it isn't @zenaxe fault. Communication is composed of facial expressions, body language, vocal tone and so on. When you strip all that away and just read characters on a computer screen, miscommunication is bound to happen at some point. Mistakes will be made and we must be understanding when others don't receive it the way we intended it. This is where asking for clarification is key before making assumptions. However, this is the internet. People don't like to take the time. This is how most arguments get started and then people start talking past each other. Facebook, Twitter and the like are cesspools in my opinion. I avoid them at all cost. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer traditional human interaction. Hell, I prefer a phone call over text.

And this why I failed the school of brevity and make sure I go through the pains of hell to explain myself so that just about anyone can read me. LOL!! You may have to print my shit out and read it on the toilet, but it's rare for someone to totally get me wrong. Hahaha! Disagree...yeah, I get a lot of that...but it's just about never where someone takes me totally wrong. I think how we deliver the message is super important.

At the end of the day, everyone is passionate about their beliefs, life experience as well as the reward of helping others. No one means any ill will for the most part....but when you throw a bunch of people from all over the world on a text site...well, we all know how that can go. Haha!

I do want to say this though....about room treatment...just because I like to hear myself talk. LOL!

I said this in my other post regarding this. I really don't think it's super important for people to do room treatment unless they are serious recording buffs attempting to do some recording. I've worked in some real shit holes as far as rooms go. As long as my monitors were close to me and eq'd for flat response, the room did not play a super important role in how the mixes turned out.

The other side of the coin that I'd like to ram home....some of the greatest guitar tones ever made, were not created in a treated room with a $5000 or even $10,000 monitor rig. So though those saying this mean well and there is some truth to it, it is not important to the guy that could care less about recording that just wants to plug into his Fractal rig and get a good tone.

Saying we have to treat a room or buy good monitors is my 35+ years of experience, ludicrous. If you want to record and don't want to second guess what you are hearing and mixing, by all treatment as well as monitor calibration are the two most important tools in getting accurate results that transfer well, everywhere.

But if I had to make a choice here out of everything said, monitor calibration wins every time for me. I can go into any room with my monitor rig and IK Multimedia ARC....and make things happen. I've done it with great results. If a room is the problem, you simply cut down on the reflections by:

1. Adding a few blankets if need be
2. Play/tweak your sound, record, mix and master at closer range

Problem solved. The room comes into play when you allow it and when things "travel" through the room. You shouldn't be more than about 3-4 ft away from your monitors in MOST smaller rooms.

Side note, meaningless gibberish that *someone* may find useful: A mic on a cab at close range isn't going to give you much room, trust me. Recording your voice in a corner of a bad room at close range is not going to give off enough room reflection to ruin the vocal. Eqing your amp/cab from 4-6 ft away isn't going to ruin your experience even if your in a gymnasium. Trust me.

Here's the most important factors for this stuff for me when eqing a cab....

1. Know what to listen for. You can have all the nice gear and treatment/calibration in the world. If you don't know what constitutes a good tone, you lose no matter what.

2. NEVER.....I repeat....NEVER eq your cab with it blowing at your knees. You lose ten-fold every time. You can't make a good choice with the cab sending sound to your knees. Always ALWAYS elevate your cab to ear level when eqing your tone. If you have never done this, you will be surprised at how bad your tone actually sounds when you put it at ear level. What you think has enough bass blowing at your knees, is probably raspy and loaded with treble when you bring it up high enough to hear it. ;)
And why I usually don't respond at all...I actually erased then twice before I posted it.

Even with room correction , your monitors will probably need some eq correction. I have found that with frfr, my stuff is always bassy compared to going through a real guitar speaker...I have several different cabinets and this is true with all of them. Presets sound great with a real cab. I can even crank the bass on the models way up. But the same amp settings going through an ir and into my yamahaha hs8's, ... with just about any ir, is bassy as hell.

Now, my monitors are pretty close to the back wall of my room, and about 6 or 8' from the corners and ss everyone knows, monitors against a wall can/will hype the bass. If I run some pink noise through my system, I can see the hyped bass. Not even a 31 band eq can really correct the problems caused by the room, this is true, but, by averaging that signal down I can get a general slope of the frequency response and that can be corrected by a 31band eq. Not a perfect solution, but better than not doing it. Afterwards, ir's sound much closer the actual guitar cabinets.

However, when you go out into the real world and they pump your really great, highly tweaked, perfectly awesome tone through a couple of mackie thump whatever's, well, so much for your efforts. IMHO, YMMV, and IIRC
I'm going to just +1 on addressing room issues first. You'd be amazed how much better you can hear with some acoustic treatment. The biggest problem is that nearly all rooms are too small, in that the room's sonic signature has a negative affect on the listening quality.
I'm going to just +1 on addressing room issues first. You'd be amazed how much better you can hear with some acoustic treatment. The biggest problem is that nearly all rooms are too small, in that the room's sonic signature has a negative affect on the listening quality.
This. You never know how bad your room sounds until you hear how good it can sound.

Man... No matter how clearly I feel I'm attempting silly hyperbolic humor some netters insist on reading it dead straight. Redo the 'math' in the post, note how I equate reference monitors to guitar cabs, the goofy sort of circular logic, maybe it wasn't a brilliant joke but it felt clearly silly.

The net never ceases to astound... I think it has killed our species' sense of humor/fun/sarcasm. There are literally millions of people who have no idea if something is serious without an emoji.
But sorry, my bad. Is there a "falling on my sword" emoji? :eek:
Maybe I need to do some room treatment and Monitor EQ'ing,... I'm running Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2a's which were taunted back in the day as being pretty good for the most part.. (?) ... But I've always had to do a "Work around" for the low end in my song mixes as well as Guitar Tones,.. My main goals are to create presets to use for a dedicated FOH system that is very high end'ish. ..
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