String Strecha

I use my fingers and thumb. Two or three fingers under the string pulling up while simultaneously pushing down with my thumb. Move up the string couple of inches and repeat for the whole length of the string. Repeat on each string. Retune the guitar and repeat until it stops going out of tune.
This is how I used to do it before...

As Andy told me, there's no need to stretch along the whole string. Just do it in the middle.

The whole string gets stretched and it's much less work ;)
Since I started using it, my strings stay in tune quicker. It's so cheap, buy one and see if you like it.
What sold me on it was the full-length stretch aspect, which I recognize is in dispute here. But try this experiment:

Stretch just from the middle of the string as suggested above. Now, play the intro to “Take It Easy” by Eagles, complete with that little bend on…IIRC the third string. See if that string doesn’t go flat after that.

Try the same experiment after using the Stretcha and stretching the string down all the way to and past the nut. On my guitars, it stays in tune after that bend when done this way. YMMV, but maybe worth an experiment.

My dad was a metallurgist. I think he’d say that the yield of the core can’t be reached along the whole length if tensioned from just one point, and there would be some sort of curvilinear relationship between the distance from that point and the amount of yield you have in the core. But he’s dead, so he is very hard to hear nowadays.
I got one free when I bought a box of strings. I had my doubts, but it actually works pretty well. I use it almost every time I change strings.
Restringing is my absolute least favourite thing about playing guitar - below unpaid gigs.

I dont think a stretching tool helps. I did all 4 les pauls yesterday and what woulda helped was putting my phone in another room to be done sooner :laughing:

Edit: to @greiswig point - always stretch over the pickups, middle of the board and between 3rd and 7th.
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