Stop/Start mp3's on laptop using MFC101


I’m not very well up on DAW and MIDI but thinking about a 1-man setup using backing tracks.
I would have mp3 backing tracks on windows laptop. Gear would be: AXE FX II, MFC101, PA, mic, guitar

MFC connected to Axe FX via cat5 cable and Axe FX connected to laptop via USB.
AXE FX o/p direct to PA (for me playing guitar) and the headphones out of laptop to PA. Mic into PA.

Is there a way that the MFC can stop/start the mp3 playback? I’m reading I need Ableton or similar?

I don’t need anything fancy just stop/start next track etc to begin with.

What “I think” I need to do ….:?
Purchase Ableton: then assign the stop/play button to an MFC button ..somehow!
MFC: send midi messages to Ableton?

Any suggestions or recommendations appreciated. Is this even possible?
Very little experience on the DAW/MIDI side (comfortable enough with AXE FX & MFC) so any guides recommended

Thanks Alan
I am doing something similar using Reaper. You have to combine all the tracks into one long track. Then you can set markers for each track and use actions triggered by your mfc 101 to move between tracks and start/stop playback.
thanks - I got Ableton Live 9 (free trial for 30days) and was able to get the MFC to stop/start a single track. Will work on combining into one single and set markers. You run out of foot switches on the MFC quickly enough mind you if you need to assign more functions. Didn't try reaper.
I was just wondering about this an hour ago! :)

When playing in duo with a singer, I'd like to be able to start some backing chords when there's a solo I may have to play.
I wonder if it reacts fast enough for that though? Maybe some sample player / looper would be better.

Noneal: can you let this track stop automatically using your system, or do I have to tap "stop" too?

Any Reaper menu's or hints are always welcome to save people some time figuring it all out (not asking for full details). TY :)
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Noneal: can you let this track stop automatically using your system, or do I have to tap "stop" too?

Any Reaper menu's or hints are always welcome to save people some time figuring it all out (not asking for full details). TY :)

Yes, if you add a marker and name it "!1016", it will stop there. I think you need the sws extensions installed for this to work.
Yes, if you add a marker and name it "!1016", it will stop there. I think you need the sws extensions installed for this to work.

Is there a way to make it start again from that marker? When I hit start again after it stops, it always replays the same loop? Not familiar with reaper yet, and is there a delay between that start command and when the loop starts?
I also use Bomes MIDI Translator software. and it works flawlessly. It receives a midi controller message and the translator converts it to anything, in my case QWERTY space bar for advancing Sonar Playlist.
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