Still can't seem to find a use for Scenes. Please enlighten me.

I have my backing tracks change scenes for me.
When I bring up the preset, the footswitch auto-launches a stream of commands, cueing up the backing track and setting vocal fx levels for the song. After I hit play, everything's automated.

Zero tap-dancing during the song.
I have my backing tracks change scenes for me. When I bring up the preset, the footswitch auto-launches a stream of commands, cueing up the backing track and setting vocal fx levels for the song. After I hit play, everything's automated. Zero tap-dancing during the song.

That is super cool.
Here you go:

That's an excellent example of something made a whole lot easier with scenes and scene controllers. Spillover isn't what you want here so you'd have to give it up globally and even then it doesn't really reset the blocks. And patch changes would be too slow to use that as a very quick "add a shot for a few beats" type effect. You could tie it all to a random IA assigned to an external controller on your board, but then you blow an IA as a "magic IA" -- scenes let you keep all your IAs assigned to effects here but still have some whacky fun with a magic switch.

Normally I'd put that really whacky scene on 5 in a gig patch. 1-4 being reserved for clean -> dirt -> drive -> lead type stepping.
Here's what I don't understand: I use presets, only. However, I have my overdrive, compressor, effects, etc. in an on/off state via the various foot switches on the MFC-101. I often set the X/Y switch to different amps or the same amp but with different settings. In addition, I have three Mission foot pedals connected to control various parameters.

With the above configuration in mind, would I, too, benefit from reconfiguring all of my patches into scenes?

Yes, absolutely. Way less tap dancing for you to change all of that if you do.

Guys, and the OP, think of scenes like a classic 80s Bradshaw rig. You have all the "same gear" and the scenes switch what is on or off all at once.

Except because it's the axe-fx and it's awesome, you don't have to have the "same gear" in your "rig.' You can change it with X/Y.
Yes, absolutely. Way less tap dancing for you to change all of that if you do.

Guys, and the OP, think of scenes like a classic 80s Bradshaw rig. You have all the "same gear" and the scenes switch what is on or off all at once.

Except because it's the axe-fx and it's awesome, you don't have to have the "same gear" in your "rig.' You can change it with X/Y.

I look at it like a loop switcher too... but on steroids :)
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