Stereo power for FM9 rig.

Expect a reply trying to correct you in 3.... 2..... and..... :)
Running into regular cabs is fine I have done the same thing but your not taking full advantage of the FM9 without FRFR imo since it's basically a hi-fi audio and guitar speakers are not hi-fi. Of course, Live use is less important mixed with the band. It's still going to sound excellent.
This is perfect!!! It does stereo!!!! Fuck yeah, thanks!!!

I haven’t kept up with pedal-based stuff in so long because I’ve just been thinking, “The AxeFX is a rack unit”, so the FM9 changed that up a bit. This will be PERFECT! 80 watts a cab is more than enough!

Did you ever try the ISP Stealth Pro, @RevDrucifer ?
Oh wow, I’m not sure why I didn’t go with it, but I ended up with a Powerstage 170 and a TC BAM200. I have no clue why I went with those instead of the Stealth Pro? Damn…..I’m more than content with what I got, but I can’t for the life of me remember why I didn’t snag the Stealth!
I looked into the ISP a little. I never tried it but I ended up going with the Powerstage 700. I liked the amount of power (at that point I was still considering putting a pair of F12-X200s in my two 2x12 cabs) and the tone controls which definitely come in handy.

Similar to you, I'm absolutely satisfied with the PS700 through my real cabs.
Good afternoon all,

I'm thinking about how I want to get my FM9 rig set up and I'm going to be running it into either two 2x12's or two 1x12's (I'll have a stereo rig onstage while sending a mono signal to FOH) but I'm not sure how I should go about powering them. I don't want to add a rack to the rig, so no rack unit power amps, it'll be two Mesa cabs that need power.

I wish they made the Powerstage 170 with a stereo option! Maybe I'll just grab a couple of those and put them on top of the cabs as that'll be a good amount of pedalboard real estate to take up.

What are you guys doing for power? Anyone else making a stereo live rig?
If I were doing this, A pair of vertical 212's sporting a mix of Vintage 30's and G12m's with a tube power amp to push them is where I would be with this deal.
If space is an issue then the Port City OS wave 112 is the biggest sounding 112 I have ever played through. As for power I would probably be looking at either the Fryette LXII or Senergy Amps SYN5050. Turn off the power amp modeling in your FM and get to dialing in your sound!
If I were doing this, A pair of vertical 212's sporting a mix of Vintage 30's and G12m's with a tube power amp to push them is where I would be with this deal.
If space is an issue then the Port City OS wave 112 is the biggest sounding 112 I have ever played through. As for power I would probably be looking at either the Fryette LXII or Senergy Amps SYN5050. Turn off the power amp modeling in your FM and get to dialing in your sound!

Yeah, this is an old thread that got bumped, I’m using a Duncan PS170 and a TC BAM200, I’m like 15 months into this rig now and have maaaaannny presets ready to go!
Did you ever try the ISP Stealth Pro, @RevDrucifer ?
just an fyi that I've tried to get feedback from a few souces on the Stealth pro as I was considering it also. Finally, I interpreted the limited number of reviews, lack of buzz, and limited interest in review comments from Stealth pro owners, as a signal that the product is probably not that great even though it seems like a good fit for me (class AB into traditional cabs @ low home volumes) at reasonable cost for stereo class AB compared to other similar options - for hi-volume usage I'd be concerned at the lowish power rating. I may still get one to try, but there's a 2-3m wait time here.
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