Wish Stereo phase coherence (delay compensation)


Power User
I've been re-amping a session using two amp blocks, one with a drive in front, one without. The sound with each panned hard L/R is a wide stereo sound. Good, I think until I disable the drive block on one amp, then it collapses to a mono sound. Aha, I was hearing a Hass effect due to latency added by the drive block on one path.

Although that may be good, consider the case where I'm re-amping a song where the drive comes in and out... My guitar sound is going to alternate between wide stereo and collapsed mono. Not great.

If I were not hard panning and summing these I'd get phase effects that I would not otherwise expect.

Thinking about it, it would be some sort of graph analysis to look at every possible path and determine the max latency and then adjust things so that every output channel has that max latency (even if it has to be larger than the current latency, e.g, if the drive block is turned off).

A niche case, maybe, but I have to go through all my reamped tracks and align them and then add whatever widening I want (or, don't want). This is an unexpected PITA.
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