Static Noise, how to get rid of it?

I have been struggling with a similar noise in my house. Single-coils, actives, humbuckers—made no difference. Neither did running the FM9 with everything else in the house shut off. I tried in different outlets. Monitors or headphones, both exhibited that annoying noise. And it's not just the FM9, plugins or actual amps suffer from it too.

If I use a guitar cable, things are much worse and higher pitched. Tried different cables, and every cable aggravated that loathsome noise. Even bought a new Mogami cable, same deal. And like you, I can move around and it won't change the noise. However, I found out recently if I use a wireless system; the noise is somewhat ameliorated. Still present, but at tamer, more manageable levels. And that's with input gain turned up to compensate for the somewhat weaker signal.

I'm no electrician, but at this point I'm convinced something is totally off with the wiring in this house. It's an older one, built in the sixties, I believe.

No idea why a cable between the guitar and the interface would exacerbate the issue. Ground loop? But running wireless is an improvement for me. All I know is that now I can play without extreme gate settings and really appreciate the FM9.

I'm unsure if our problems are related, but if you have access to a wireless system, it could be worth experimenting with that.
Hi, I just moved into a new apartment and got a bad high pitched static noise. The noise reducer as well as the "intelligent" noise gate can get rid of it, but I need to turn the threshold up to -30 or -25. Could a power conditioner may be a fix for it?
I have the same issue man. I think places with 5G towers or something nearby can add a lot of EMF interference or something. Even my wireless Yamaha practice amp that runs on a battery buzz’s when I plug in and the buzz responds very directional depending on which way I’m turned. I’ve tried so many different solutions and I’ve just settled on using the noise gate in between my amp and cab at the -40 threshold setting.
I have the same issue man. I think places with 5G towers or something nearby can add a lot of EMF interference or something. Even my wireless Yamaha practice amp that runs on a battery buzz’s when I plug in and the buzz responds very directional depending on which way I’m turned. I’ve tried so many different solutions and I’ve just settled on using the noise gate in between my amp and cab at the -40 threshold setting.

I have a 5G tower on the top of the roof of my apartment building, and i have no issues with EMF whatsoever.
But there might be different types of towers that cause issues, but no problems here for me.

I had noise problems where i lived before with my tube amp before i bought my FM3. Turned out it was the neighbours robot mower that sent out some kind of signal that the springs in the spring reverb tank picked up.

So you never know what can cause issues or not.
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