
New Member
[re-posting this 'cuz I put it in the wrong section]

I'm just getting ready to shell out the bucks for what appears to be the greatest thing to happen to electric guitar since Eddie Van Halen. The one remaining question is ... standard or ultra? Anyone have an opinion? Especially if you purchased the Ultra - what have you been able to do with your ultra that wouldn't have been possible with the standard?

Secondary question ... who has a foot controller that they are really happy with and was REALLY EASY to set up? I don't want to be digging deep in manuals just to set up patch changes.


David Foster
I have owned both and currently have Ultra.

With Ultra I can put gate/expander after the amp and sidechain it and get better gate action and control over the built in gate at start of the chain. I can download any patch and not have it overload the CPU or immediately have to tweak the patch because it doesn't have Ultra components such as MBC. The Ultra just has more stuff.

You probably already seen this: ... comparison

Decide what is best for you and roll the dice. If you get an Ultra you won't be a position to be thinking "should I have gotten the Ultra".

I bought a Standard at first (even though I wanted Ultra) just because it was easier at the time to leverage the purchase and I wasn't believing all the hype about the product. I knew that resale value of Standard was very good. So about 8 months later I sold the Standard and got Ultra.
Hey Charlie,

What do you mean by side chaining the gate? I'm a gainiac and have noisy house current, would love to improve the gate performance...

hankstone said:
Hey Charlie,

What do you mean by side chaining the gate? I'm a gainiac and have noisy house current, would love to improve the gate performance...


Found this in a hurry should give you some insight. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7674&p=75099&hilit=sidechain#p75099

Put the gate after the amp and set the Sidechain Select to what is appropriate for your input source. I have it on Input 1 since I use the front input. Just remember to turn the built in gate off. Mabye you want both gates or 3 even.
I'm a new Ultra owner. I found it instructive to play with the software editor. This will run without an Axe connected to your PC. It can be set for either Standard or Ultra, and will give you a CPU loading percentage as you pull in fx blocks. Even with the Ultra setting, the CPU loading increases faster than you would think, especially when you start messing with dual amps. The app will also show which fx are not available in the Standard.

I bought the Ultra to try out figuring I would trade for a Standard if I felt like I didn't need the extra features. So far, I think I'm keeping the Ultra. My basic sounds don't require the Ultra's power, but some of the "Ultra only" presets sold me on it's potential.

STANDARD is close to ideal (as a backup to the ULTRA ;) )
If you would really need a backup, 2 ULTRAS are better :p

If I understood correctly, the Standard has just as much space left for new amps as the Ultra, but is otherwise as good as all filled up and cannot receive substantial new additional code / FX, so chances should be big that there will be more and more regrets coming as the ULTRA gets more candy.

Also possible IMO is that the Ultra won't get all that much new candy, just to keep down the endless whining to "please try and crop the new stuff in the Standard as well :( "
I owned both, you should be fine with either one
but I would go for the Ultra unless money is really tight.

Once you get hooked you will realize that the extra $$ is a non issue
for a device that will be the most important box you ever purchased.

+1 to the above. I was leaning toward getting a Standard because I don't use stacks of effects, but I've never regretted my decision to get an Ultra. It is without a doubt the best piece of gear I've ever bought.
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