Stand in switch question


I'm not sure this is possible, but I figured I'd ask. I'm using 2 dual button switches as stand in switches. Can I have their functions change based on which layout I'm in? For example, if I'm on presets, the buttons select preset 1-4. And when I'm on scenes, they select scene 1-4.
Hi Ledvedder

Chris is right - a stand in switch "stands in" for a switch in a specific layout, but that might not be visible, depending on which Layout View you are on. Stand In switches "exist" in the Layout, not in the Preset or Scene. They will be applicable in all Presets and Scenes as long as the Layout that has them configured is present/loaded.

Check out my custom Layouts here:

They sorta/kinda/maybe do what you want.

For me (and this is only me - others may well prefer a different type of workflow, and that is totally fine!), I like to see what the FM3 switches do, via the labels on the switches .. so, with my two button footswitch, one is a Table Of Contents that chooses between the Presets, Scenes and Control Layouts on the FM3, and the other scrolls through all four views in each and any layout. I've made one version that goes to Scenes automatically from chosen Presets, and another that needs a manual long press on the two button footswtich to go to Scenes.

All this said, I can see you have 2 x two button footswitches, and your question is more geared around what they can be made to do, as distinct from what can they make the FM3 do.

In fact, these Layouts were partly inspired by Chris who responded above ... I remember sitting on some of Chris's YouTube live streams, and he answered questions for me - very helpful!

@chris How is sunny Hawaii?

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I just did it using 'Per-Preset Overrides' on that specific 'Stand-in' switch location. I could make it a specific 'global' function. Then change that function on a per-preset basis.

The only indication is a temporary message on the main display for Effect on/off, Control Switch on/off, etc..

EDIT. I re-read the OP and see that he wants to have them change depending on which Layout is active. Not the same thing, oooops.
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The real answer is yes and no.

Your stand-in switches will always default to the assignment you give them, but because those switches are still in a layout, you can modify them on a per-preset basis using the per-preset override function.

This is actually how I default my 2-button. I have an empty template preset with the overrides already in place and that way, if I need to modify what the external switches do for that individual preset, I'm not potentially screwing around with other performances.

The functions are global though and you can't "switch" what they do based on your layout. If this is something you need, I'm sure some creative use of PP overrides and gapless switching could get you pretty close to what you need.
Hi Ledvedder

Chris is right - a stand in switch "stands in" for a switch in a specific layout, but that might not be visible, depending on which Layout View you are on. Stand In switches "exist" in the Layout, not in the Preset or Scene. They will be applicable in all Presets and Scenes as long as the Layout that has them configured is present/loaded.

Check out my custom Layouts here:

They sorta/kinda/maybe do what you want.

For me (and this is only me - others may well prefer a different type of workflow, and that is totally fine!), I like to see what the FM3 switches do, via the labels on the switches .. so, with my two button footswitch, one is a Table Of Contents that chooses between the Presets, Scenes and Control Layouts on the FM3, and the other scrolls through all four views in each and any layout. I've made one version that goes to Scenes automatically from chosen Presets, and another that needs a manual long press on the two button footswtich to go to Scenes.

All this said, I can see you have 2 x two button footswitches, and your question is more geared around what they can be made to do, as distinct from what can they make the FM3 do.

In fact, these Layouts were partly inspired by Chris who responded above ... I remember sitting on some of Chris's YouTube live streams, and he answered questions for me - very helpful!

@chris How is sunny Hawaii?

I've been auditioning your layouts. They are very useful. But the thing I'm having trouble getting used to is using the external switch to scroll through layout views. For example, if I go to the scenes layout, then need to get to scene 4, I have to hit the FM3 footswitch to get to the scenes layout, then hit the external switch to get to scenes view 2, then go back to the FM3 switch again to select scene 4. I'll have to figure out exactly what works best for me I guess.

Where are these youtube videos you speak of?
What guides my use of Stand-In Switches is the question of whether I need a visual indicator of what it does and/or when it is "on" or "off".

Quite a few functions can be done without a visual indication - things like bank increment/decrement, preset increment/decrement, tap tempo (there's a nice little blinkenlight on the unit), View increment/decrement, Virtually all of the "utility" category stuff, etc., can be done with Stand-In Switches.

I even have some "always there, no indicator needed" momentary control switch stuff in Stand-In Switches - stuff that does an obvious, easily-audible thing, like a momentary delay runaway, flange swirl, etc.
I've been auditioning your layouts. They are very useful. But the thing I'm having trouble getting used to is using the external switch to scroll through layout views. For example, if I go to the scenes layout, then need to get to scene 4, I have to hit the FM3 footswitch to get to the scenes layout, then hit the external switch to get to scenes view 2, then go back to the FM3 switch again to select scene 4. I'll have to figure out exactly what works best for me I guess.

Where are these youtube videos you speak of?

How many switch functions do you need for each preset? When I use my small board (FM3 plus 2 external switches and XPDL) I tend to use one layout with a mix of per-preset scene select, FX block bypass and channel select, solo boost, and other functions, and the external button’s tap function scrolls between the 4 views. That gives me 12 tap functions and 12 hold functions per preset, plus the hold function for the external button and a 2nd external button (which has tuner as the tap function), plus the expression pedal.

So that’s 29 functions per preset without switching layouts, and at most I have to increment the view button 3 times to access all of them. Would that be enough for you?
I've been auditioning your layouts. They are very useful. But the thing I'm having trouble getting used to is using the external switch to scroll through layout views. For example, if I go to the scenes layout, then need to get to scene 4, I have to hit the FM3 footswitch to get to the scenes layout, then hit the external switch to get to scenes view 2, then go back to the FM3 switch again to select scene 4. I'll have to figure out exactly what works best for me I guess.

Hi Ledvedder

With my two button footswitch, the View Change switch is on the same level as the three footswitches in the FM3, so only a few inches away ... not all footswitches are the same though!

If you use my Auto Scenes layout, when you choose a Preset it should take you into the Scenes layout for that Preset without an additional footswitch press. The Preset should default to the Scene that was active when you saved the Preset, so if you want that Preset to load Scene 4, just choose Scene 4 and then save. That way, any time you go to the Preset, you'll get straight into Scene 4. Noted though that in my Layouts, the first View is the default View, so you will see Scenes 1, 2, 3, and then have to push the View Change switch to get to Scene 4, 5, 6. This might be the extra press you mean.

I experimented with long press on the View Change to scroll backwards through the Scenes, but for me, it was more valuable for that long press to go to my Control page (it goes to the Scenes page if you're using my Manual Scenes Layouts). However, you can scroll backwards (or forwards) through the Scenes views by long pressing switch 1 or switch 3 on the FM3.

I hope this helps? This could probably remove one or two presses from your workflow, but still a bit of tap dancing ...

RE the videos, search YouTube for AxeFXTutorials ... here is one that helped me:

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What guides my use of Stand-In Switches is the question of whether I need a visual indicator of what it does and/or when it is "on" or "off".

I'm the same ... I like to see a switch light up when I turn a modifier on, or to confirm which Preset/Scene/FX is active. So, I just used my stand in switches to pick the Layouts and Views where all the visual indicators I need are ...

I put in a request years ago that the stand-in switches be per layout, but got no response from Fractal. I would like to be able to use my external switches to have different functions depending on the Layout I am in. E.g. if in my Layout for Presets, I could assign Bank Up and Bank Down to external switches, but when in my Scenes Layout they could be for different Scenes. I have pretty much given up hope that this will ever be implemented though.
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