SRV'esque Vibroverb + Super Preset with fullres IRs

Excellent job man!!! What up with the extra IR? It adds something really special. There’s something in this preset that I’ve been looking for forever, would love to understand what your method was there. Thanks for sharing the preset!
Excellent job man!!! What up with the extra IR? It adds something really special. There’s something in this preset that I’ve been looking for forever, would love to understand what your method was there. Thanks for sharing the preset!
those fullres IRs are just adding a bit more 'realness', they're basically a room mic, also VERY useful if you play with headphones
Wow, that’s crazy. I have to get my head around that, it adds a lot!
Played this again last night, there’s definitely something special happening here. Could you explain a little what/why you did with the mixer, and why the room IRs were using the IR player (my friend is getting an FM9 and he’s wondering if it can be done by putting those room IR’s in the cab block)?
Played this again last night, there’s definitely something special happening here. Could you explain a little what/why you did with the mixer, and why the room IRs were using the IR player (my friend is getting an FM9 and he’s wondering if it can be done by putting those room IR’s in the cab block)?
sorry for the super late reply!
I used an IR Player for the fullres IRs because I already have two Cab blocks in the preset: one with for the Vibroverb and one for the Super. The fullres IRs come in pairs, left and right, and give a very nice impression of the cabs in a room.
The mixer is just mixing the two Cab blocks and the IR player; I found the IR player at 35% and both Cab blocks at 100% were the sweet spot for me. More of the fullres IRs and you're losing some punch and directness, less and you're losing some sense of the room

Just play with that preset a bit, change some things to get a feel for it.

As for the FM9: sorry I don't know whether it has 2 Cab blocks available, or whether it can use fullres IRs. I do believe it has half teh CPU power of the AXE FX so that could be an issue.

But the Dynacabs may change that, I find them fantastic for my Deluxe Reverb preset, but haven't played with them yet in the context of this preset here.
No worries! Yeah, I played around and that’s what I thought. Great job man, that preset is killer, thanks for sharing and replying.
I know this a relatively old post, and I really apologize for the stupid question, but I'm super new to this. I downloaded the patch, loaded in my AXE iii as a new present but no audio would come out. All other presets work, just this one doesn't. What's the magic sauce to make this preset work on an AXE iii? Thanks!
I know this a relatively old post, and I really apologize for the stupid question, but I'm super new to this. I downloaded the patch, loaded in my AXE iii as a new present but no audio would come out. All other presets work, just this one doesn't. What's the magic sauce to make this preset work on an AXE iii? Thanks!
hey, most likely it's the Volume block that I assigned to my volume pedal. Delete, disable or assign to your volume pedal and you should be good to go
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