Squier Bullet Strat Melodic Jam - Stel Andre

Stel Andre

Hey people! I was practising my melodic phrasing this morning and I did a quick recording of it. So excuse my mistakes :D I used my latest acquisition, a Squier Bullet Strat that in my ears and hands, sounds and feels so good for the money. Also used the Axe Fx 2 with the Quantum latest firmware that sounds unreal! Hope you guys like it, cheers!
Goes to show it isn't all in high dollar gear. You can get good sounds out of some very reasonably priced guitars.

Anyone tells my wife I said that, I will hunt you down...
Hey people! I was practising my melodic phrasing this morning and I did a quick recording of it. So excuse my mistakes :D I used my latest acquisition, a Squier Bullet Strat that in my ears and hands, sounds and feels so good for the money. Also used the Axe Fx 2 with the Quantum latest firmware that sounds unreal! Hope you guys like it, cheers!

Sounds awesome!! I woud love to get that backing track and give it a spin with my start!!
Thank you very much for your kind words and your support! As far as the backing, although its not actually a backing track, its a song called Cloud Watching from Paul Hardcastle. If you are into such music, which I dig for practising melodies, try searching out Paul Hardcastle on Youtube. Tons of similar/melodic music.
These late squiers are fine. Got me a surfstrat last december and am terribly pleased with it also; Good playing and nice vid, thanks.
Good ol' Squier bullet. I remember my friend's bullet having the single nicest playing neck I've ever encountered, including $4k PRS's. If only I didn't hate Strats so much. :p
Wow, some really nice, rare chops there. Love them.
The ones you do between 00:30 and 00:36 f.e.
Will you ever make a tutorial about that technique on your channel? ;)
Wow - So often I'm confronted by things I'll never be able to play - It was great to listen and watch it though ... well done.

Thank you very much guys! Glad you like it! As far as my technique I will do some tutorials later on, but I also have a Melodic Lesson Package available but I dont wanna do promo in here. If you want more info just read the video's description. And yes that Squier Bullet is a great tool for the money. And ofc the Axe Fx 2 does an insane job, improving every guitar you plug in! :D
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