Spent some serious money this week. SRX712m & MFC-101 arrived today


Power User
Well, I took a leap of faith this week. I've been enjoying the AxeFx2 for a few months now, and I've decided its time to take it out live and let it stretch its legs...

...after weeks of rather frustrating research, i figured its best to go with what works for the actual designer of the Axe Fx and go for a good JBL SRX monitor setup. They're expensive, but my band's PA system is all JBL and I know JBL is really the most tonefull speakers.

I've only got a VLP300 American Audio Power amp (from my home theater system) to test it out. And I know thats seriously underpowering the SRX. But it will be good for testing until I can muster up the cash to get myself a healthy GT1000fx.

Also I was lucky enough to find an MFC101 for sale. Was really planning on just going for a Behringer Midi Pedal, but this one popped up at a good price and I KNOW these are hard to find! Looking forward to getting home and trying out my new toys!



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After over 2 years with a JBL PRX512M, I'm still a fan. I know others have had success with QSC and others too.
NICE!!! Did you get 1 or 2? Be curious to hear your review and how your patches translate...
NICE!!! Did you get 1 or 2? Be curious to hear your review and how your patches translate...

2?!!? lol...these are a bit expensive to dive into a stereo setup right away:). I'll be running just one for now to get my feet wet in the whole FRFR thing. But Stereo IS a priority in the future simply for ease of hearing once on stage. Allowing both my ears to hear my guitar signal on stage would go a long way in keeping my stage volume down, but still hearing the details in my sound...

I'm HOPING my patches translate 1:1 and I don't have too much tweaking to do. But I'm sure its going to be a lot more complex then that. Not to mention routing a midi pedal for the first time. Luckily the MFC is supposed to be real easy to program.

The good news is we have a couple weeks off from gigging while band members have family vacations. Then I've got a nice comfy 2 nighter up north that i've played at before. Will be the perfect introduction of the FX to live use.

BTW, I'm going to be setting up my MFC-101 with a bunch of "tricks". I'm very familiar with the realities of live playing and will have a bunch of PEQ Blocks and slight X/Y amp variations in every patch so I can sort "tweak" My patches/sound as I'm playing. Two PEQs I already know I'll have in each patch is going to be a Mid boost (770khz, +5db, .35Q) and an experimental Fletcher–Munson curve modifier GEQ block. Not promising they will work, but I've had minor success at home already.
Tyler, since you're planning on getting a Matrix amp, I'm curious why you didn't go for their new monitor (not to suggest you didn't make a great choice).
BTW, I'm going to be setting up my MFC-101 with a bunch of "tricks". I'm very familiar with the realities of live playing and will have a bunch of PEQ Blocks and slight X/Y amp variations in every patch so I can sort "tweak" My patches/sound as I'm playing. Two PEQs I already know I'll have in each patch is going to be a Mid boost (770khz, +5db, .35Q) and an experimental Fletcher–Munson curve modifier GEQ block. Not promising they will work, but I've had minor success at home already.

Cool. I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences with this approach.
I love my SRX speakers at first I went for one also but I broke down after five days and ordered the other not that I’m a big stereo guy, I’m not.
But I also want to be ready when I feel that particular gig justifies it, plus even having two running mono can come in handy.

I had heard these speakers twice before, first time was the NY Amp Show in 2011 when the AF II was introduced and again NY Amp Show 2012. At the last show I had gone there to hear the Matrix offerings for the FRFR world. They sounded good but bright. Please keep in mind Matrix has worked their designs further and what they have today is different than what I heard at the show. Anyway the JBL’s just had it all, made up my mind and just went for it and very happy I did.
Been a few months now and I guess the best way to put it my FRFR rig feels complete. Needless to say that feeling won’t last forever. :lol there will be some new latest and greatest in the future, that I'll have to have!!!


OK, good news, and bad news.

Good News: Holy crap does this monitor sound nice. My current monitoring system is really nice and warm but the JBL's complex midrange gave me even more respect to the Axe. This should get interesting

Bad News: found out my stupid VLP300 power amp isn't very healthy. It seems to be adding weird scratchy artifacts to the sound. Probably ran it too rough in my theater system (it controlled butt kickers in my seats).... oh well. Might look over at craigslist for a replacement. Still can't afford a matrix amp yet. (unless someone might be interested in buying my quad of EVM10M speakers!)

Tyler, since you're planning on getting a Matrix amp, I'm curious why you didn't go for their new monitor (not to suggest you didn't make a great choice).

A) They are extremely expensive for such a gamble (JBL was expensive, but proven technology)
B) My band's PA system is JBL. SO, the reasoning is that whatever is coming out of my monitor will be somewhat close to whats coming out of the PA system.
C) My experience with guitar gear tends to be that folks in the buisness of selling guitar equipment tend to overthink things quite a bit. Not saying the new Matrix CLR wouldn't sound good, I just know JBL isn't in the business to make Forum members get excited. They are only about good sound.

With that said. Once I'm settled and comfy with my FRFR system, I can see myself looking out for reviews and first hand experiences with the Matrix offering and I might give it a shot. But right now, a High end JBL monitor is a safer bet.
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