Speaker Resonance Setting for Axe Fx II


How do I set this in Axe Fx II? Looking at the advance tab there's LF and HF Resonance, Frequency and Q which I have no clue what it means. Can somebody school me on this? I'm running my Axe with Matrix and 2x12 Cab, will adjusting the Resonant Frequency to match my cab make a difference now with the II?
You might find this video helpful in understanding a parametric Eq which is pretty what the resonance parameters are.


llot of what you will most likely be doing is playing with the LF (frequency adjustment) to tune it to your cab. And pretty much leaving the "Q" alone and also the "gain".
But this is not written in stone, very powerful tools.
Thanks for the link!

I did tweak around the resonance parameters and found it to be very powerful in tone shaping. What I did was pretty random and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Can you tell how to tune it to my cab? Any steps will be very helpful!
From the wiki:

One way to find the SRF is to put a Filter block after the amp block. Set the type to Peaking, Q to 5 or so and Gain to 10 dB. Start with a Freq. of 50 Hz. Play some chugga-chugga and slowly adjust the Freq. until you hear and feel the cabinet resonate. Make a note of the frequency. Remove the filter block and set the amp block SRF to match. 4x12s typically have an SRF of between 80 and 120. Open back cabs are typically a bit lower.
I think the info on the wiki is based on the Ultra. With the Axe II, there's Low Freq, Mid Freq and Hi Freq speaker resonance parameters. I can get the low freq to resonate well with my cab with some chugga but how about the mid and hi freq?
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