SPDIF Recording Problem with AxeFX3 and Scarlett 18i20


I got myself recently the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3 gen and it's connected via SPDIF with the AxeFX3. So far everything seems to be working fine. The problem is that when I want to record my guitar going into the Axe via SPDIF with Logic while using the Scarlet as the Audiointerface I am not only recording the solo which I am playing, but also the backing track.
So let's say Audiotrack 1 in Logic is the Backing Track and Audiotrack 2 is the SPDIF Input (in Logic this is Input 9-10 for the Scarlett SPDIF). After the recording I check what is on Audiotrack 2 and it's not only my guitar solo which has been recorded, but the Backing Track from Audiotrack 1 has also been recorded. What am I doing wrong?
Hi, it seems your passing Audiotrack 1 through input 9-10, try pressing rec without playing the guitar and see if it records the backing track.
Check the re-directioning in the Scarlett too.
your sending the backing track to the AFX over USB is my first gues- which is routing out of the AFX outputs. Dont send the backing track to the AFX - no need.

My second guess (if your not doing that) is the feed your sending your DAW is the main outs and you havent muted Software (DAW) playback for that feed. What I do is make the PC input the loopback output - and mute the DAW on that. My monitors get the BT and AFX, headphones outs get the same BUT the DAW only gets the AFX.
Thanks so far. I will try to demonstrate my problem with screenshots:

„O8 - Ein Jahr“ is the backing track.
„Audio 2“ is the SPDIF recording track. But when I am only playing the backing track. You see that the audio is also coming into the Audio 2 track. And as I said before when I record I got the backing track and my guitar solo on Audio 2 recorded. If you look at the meters in Focusrite Control it’s the moment when I hit my guitar. In this moment I see activity in Axe Out 3 and Axe Digital.

scarlet problem.pdf

When I don’t play guitar. It looks like this: So in Focusrite Control everything seems to be okay. Only the DAW Playback Meter shows activity. But if you look at the meters in Logic you see that there’s a meter activity in Audio 2 which should not be, because on Audio 2 I only want to record my guitar, but obviously not the backing track again together with my guitar signal.
So what am I doing wrong. Audio 2 is assigned to 9-10 which is the SPDIF of the Scarlett. So that should be okay, but maybe I am overlooking something.
OK. first - which input is set as the audio 2 tracks input in the DAW. Thats the first thing - as it might be set to one of the 18i20s inputs rather than outputs.

Secondly - if its coming from the monitor outs as you have highlighted - you havent muted your Software p[layback (the single lower channel).

The DAW may be taking an 18i20s output not its input. Thats a DAW setting not an 18i20 setting. If its set how you want it - as your showing channel 1 Im assuming the DAW is set to take 18i20s output 1 - then you need to mute the playback to not send audio back out.

**OK - I MAY have spotted your problem. you say the DAWs input is set to 9/10. but thats the 18i20s OUTPUT pair not its input. 9/10 is the last analogue outs - and mirrors headphone 2. You dont have output 9/10 showing on the screen shot - its the next output down but I bet its got SPdif and DAW playback both active (not muted). If you mute the DAW playback on OUTPUT 9/10 Id guess that will sort you out.
What are Line Outs 7/8 connected to on the Scarlett?
potentially nothing other than headphone out 1 (which is what I suspect).

Without being able to real time play - or have a 2 way video chat its difficult to pin the problem down. If the DAW is pointing to the SPDIF HARDWARE INPUT for its feed - then the DAW shouldnt record. but is that how its set up?

Need to see the channel input mappings for the DAW, and all the output mappings for the scarlet as a minimum.

Its definitely a setup/routing issue - because I use an 18i20 and have no problems
SOLVED! Thank you very much everybody. I have to admit that I was not aware of the influence of Loopback on what I was doing.
I had to mute in the Output Routing of Loopback the DAW Playback. The screenshot above shows it. So paulmapp8306 you were pretty right.
Muchas gracias!

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