Bug? Sound Glitches/Pulses when changing programs


Has anyone had problems with the MFC and switching between programs on the Axe II? When I switch between programs the new patches pulses 13 times quickly (like a vibrato on and off) before I can use the patch/program. Any advice?
You should probably tell us your axe and MFC firmware versions and how they are connected, as well as anything else connected to the axe like USB and what kind of computer and OS. Then we can help out.
The latest firmware for both the axe fxII and mfc. Nothing plugged into the axe but the cat5 cable. The pulsing happens both when I change programs from the mfc and when I change programs using the main dial on the fx - IF the mfc is connected. Once I disconnect the mfc and change programs on the fx, the pulsing stops and I can seamlessly change programs from the fx.
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