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Song names visible in display !


Power User
When in Song mode, I would LOVE to have the name of the song visible in the display !! EVEN BETTER, would be to have the Song name, and the preset name scroll alternately... I believe the Ground Control Pro does this...?

I use the MFC in Song mode, and use many of the same presets in the different songs, but this feature would be EXTREMELY useful in songs where the only thing changed in my lead preset is the KEY of the intelligent harmonizer. ( imagine being in the wrong song, switching on the lead preset with the harmonizer set to the WRONG KEY !! ... ) ... Remembering what song is on what preset with 50 + songs is impossible in a Live setting...

Another helpful feature, which I have mentioned before, would be for Cliff to allow the Intelligent Harmonizer KEY, on the AxeFX, to be assigned to a CC Controller number, so that you could have 1 lead preset, and be able to only have to change the Key, instead of having to have 13 lead presets, with the only difference being the different Key in the harmonizer. Very frustrating, given the otherwise incredible versatility of this beast...
Thanks Matman. It does show the Song Names now, when switching from song to song, but as soon as you switch to your first preset, the song name is no longer displayed... It would be an added bonus ( if possible ) to have it be able to alternate song name with patch name, or have it be user defined whether to display the song name or preset name.

Thanks again !
Thanks Matman. It does show the Song Names now, when switching from song to song, but as soon as you switch to your first preset, the song name is no longer displayed... It would be an added bonus ( if possible ) to have it be able to alternate song name with patch name, or have it be user defined whether to display the song name or preset name.

Thanks again !

Why not make the patch name the song name? I've got a buttload of patches that are named for specific songs.
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