Something strange is happening on certain amp models..


I was running firmware 17.0 at a rehearsal last night and everything was going well until I used a preset that utilised the Plexi 50W High amp and the sound was so different it nearly blew our ears off.

What was once a fairly smooth lead sound, is now an almost clean, extremely loud, clipped (digital) sound that is quite terrible on the ears! It basically sounds like going direct to the desk with a bit of a distortion pedal engaged.

I then updated to 17.3 to see if that made any difference but it didn't. I also noted that a preset that uses the 1959 SLP was affected in the same way with regards to a huge hike in volume, dramatic reduction in gain and digital clipping.

I had made a backup of these individual presets, but re-installing them didn't make any difference at all.

I then went back to firmware 16, but strangely this didn't do the trick either.

I'm sure I've played these presets since installing 17.0 - in actual fact, I could have sworn that I made the 1959 SLP patch using it..

This is most strange - thankfully it was discovered at a rehearsal not a gig, but does anyone have any idea where I may be going wrong?

Unfortunately I do not have any recording of 'before and after' to illustrate, but believe me when I say the difference was night and day.

Many thanks
It sounds like the Cab Block is bypassed. Is it possible it's bypassed in the presets?
I had a similar issue with my plexi presets as well. I changed amp models and changed back to the plexi and it made no difference. What did make a massive difference was either switching on/off the wah block, or changing the wah model.

I just assumed the issue was somewacky error on my part.
Make sure Power Amp modeling and Cabinet Modeling are enabled in the Global menu.
Or just use Reset system params in Utility.
As others have said, must be the cab that's changed. Maybe you've lost or moved a user cab and your preset is now pointing to an empty slot.

I use the Plexi 50 Hi almost exclusively and have no issues.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Thanks for the replies - I tried switching amps/cabs, wahs on/off etc, re-installed the presets but no go at all. Amp block was not bypassed.

In the end, I deleted all the presets (accidentally) and went back to a previous firmware (16 I think)- plexi's back to normal. i then updated again to 17.3, re-installed all my backup presets and all is well again!

I have no idea what was going on at all, but must have been some kind of gremlin in the system.

Thank you all for your suggestions as always. I can only speak from experience, how important it is to regularly save your presets and back everything up. That way, when I ended up deleting all my presets in the Axe - I still had a full backup of all banks to re-install from a couple of days ago (when I got back from rehearsal I made another backup of banks A-C as well as previous backups in date order in case one of them was the culprit before doing any major reinstalls etc)

All the best.
i was using the 4 x 12 Basketweave G12H30 (RW) and the 4 x 12 Beatle Mix by the way, if it makes a difference!
Sometimes a software flash doesn't go 100% and little bugs crop up.

Glad to hear re-flashing solved the issue :)
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