Some Texas -blues sound

Thomas Larsson

I made an eperiment to get a deasent blues-sound straight
into the mixer without waking my girlfriend up . It´s an IR
that I made from 69 marshall cab sm57 vintage design mic pre
and some tricks .The speaker sound very alike what it did
in reality.This time I have no backup band .

I think the amp modell is the boogie clean . As usual I´ve been tweaking
all parameters on the amp-block.The great thing is that I used to manipulate all
those parameters with my soldering iron before, Now I do it with ease .
I´m afraid the sound is owerwritten .I can do a new one
later and put there. I think i know how it was done. I believe I put the
tape drive in front of the boogie clean amp.
don't go thru a lot trouble...but if you do remake back and let me know...
I thought it sounded very good!!!
later dewd.
Wow ...... love that sound Thomas,
Nice playing too !

It would be very cool if you could reproduce the settings ans post them on Axechage ...... with your cab IR :roll:
Yeah !
If you guys like it ,I can put it there.
I will get my ultra back , hopefully on friday.
Then I can fix it during the weekend.

Thomas Larsson said:
Yeah !
If you guys like it ,I can put it there.
I will get my ultra back , hopefully on friday.
Then I can fix it during the weekend.

Yes, we'd like it!

Man, be sure to get it back. :?
Just curious where it is ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep on posting such monster clips, I like them all so far.
P.S.: You lead me to test new amps ... :cool:
It sounds awesome. For me all your clips have the best tone that I have heard from the Axe Fx so far. I think that Cliff should use your clips on the website.
Hi Thomas,

oh man, I need this sound! It is exactly what I'm looking for! As said, it would be great if you put it on axechange with the IR.

I tried to dail this sound in with the JR Blues model - I like the result, but it's not "this" sound.

Thank you for your efforts,
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