Legacy Some Satriani "Always with Me, Always with you"


Power User
Only the lead is the Axe FX

The backing track is something I pulled off youtube.

I recorded a dry lead clip and came back and added delay and reverb in Reaper. Which is why I think the delay and reverb don't sound as warm as when I use the Axe FX delay and reverb.

But over all it came out pretty good I think.

The setup is

T808OD (Drive 3, Tone 7) --> Brit 800 (drive 6, controls at noon) --> Cab(F036 4x12 Basketweave G12M20(RW) with R121 Rib mic)
I do wish I could find a way to easily add Axe FX reverb to the mix after recording while listening to the entire recording.

The built in delay/reverbs with reaper just can't hold a candle IMO to the Axe FX reverb and delay. Nor should they be expected to considering the whole thing cost 60$ (which you get way more then 60$ value).
I do wish I could find a way to easily add Axe FX reverb to the mix after recording while listening to the entire recording.

The built in delay/reverbs with reaper just can't hold a candle IMO to the Axe FX reverb and delay. Nor should they be expected to considering the whole thing cost 60$ (which you get way more then 60$ value).
You can record both the processed and straight guitar signal simultaneously with USB right? Then if you want to change something come back and reamp the dry signal
Love it,I did that tune too,If i go 6 months without play it ,I forget half of it :nightmare:
Wow fantastic job. I haven't thought of that song for some time, but it's the first song I ever heard by Satch and I became an instantaneous fan. In my opinion his tastiest playing. You nailed it.
Can you post the dry track only (lead guitar), please? I'm fighting to convince my son that how the guitar sounds in isolation has nothing to do with how it sounds in the mix ...
Love it,I did that tune too,If i go 6 months without play it ,I forget half of it :nightmare:
That's why I recorded it now. Not an easy tune to just play without practicing if you go a couple months
You can record both the processed and straight guitar signal simultaneously with USB right? Then if you want to change something come back and reamp the dry signal

I can however you still need to do that listening to only the guitar itself (unless I am doing something wrong which may be highly likely)

When I add effects later, I am adding them to everything I am listening to at that time. So if I add reverb, delay etc, it is also adding it to all the other instruments.

If you know a way I can get around this I would love to know.

It is a bummer having the best effects unit on the planet and having to settle for reaverb and readelay for by post recording effects.
Can you post the dry track only (lead guitar), please? I'm fighting to convince my son that how the guitar sounds in isolation has nothing to do with how it sounds in the mix ...


Against my better judgement, here is the dry track.

Hurts my ears to listen to and was distracting while recording

By the way, have family out in Romania.

Spent many a holiday season in Predal. More then I can count.
Can you post the dry track only (lead guitar), please? I'm fighting to convince my son that how the guitar sounds in isolation has nothing to do with how it sounds in the mix ...

Mission accomplished! This example finally convinced him. Thank you again.
I can however you still need to do that listening to only the guitar itself (unless I am doing something wrong which may be highly likely)
All you need to do is in your DAW, set up your first track for recording the processed guitar signal as usual. Then set up a second track, and set its input source to Input 3 from the axe, which is the straight guitar signal. Arm both for recording and you're good to go. You will be hearing your backing track and the processed guitar as you record, as usual. When you're done recording, you'll have a copy of the processed track, and the dry track.

When I add effects later, I am adding them to everything I am listening to at that time. So if I add reverb, delay etc, it is also adding it to all the other instruments.

There are a couple ways of doing the reamping. The easiest is to just re-amp the guitar without monitoring anything. In your DAW, mute everything except for the dry guitar track that you already recorded. Add a new track for recording. Go to I/O on the Axe and set Main input source to USB. Since you've muted everything else, you won't be able to listen to the re-amped signal and the backing track at the same time. If you really need to do that, you can but it takes a little more work...

To get a re-amped guitar signal while also monitoring the backing track, what you're going to need to do is go to I/O on the Axe and change Input 1 mode to stereo. This way you can use your DAW to send 2 channels to the Axe. Then you'll need to tweak your patch on the Axe to process each one correctly. First, change the input select on your amp to Left so that you only re-amp the dry guitar signal. Then create a parallel path on the grid and a mixer as the first block. Change the correct balance control (4 if you're using the bottom row for this path) to hard right, and change output mode to mono. Now you're set up so that anything you send to the Axe on the left channel gets processed, and the right channel doesn't. Finally, in your DAW, pan all your backing material hard right so it doesn't get processed. There may be a better way of doing this (I'm actually new to the Axe, just got mine a week ago), but I tried this and it does work. You can hear your guitar in the mix and adjust the effects on the fly.

Hope this helps.
wow, great playing, good sounds - also with old Redwirez cabs! Big respect! Who really Needs Ultrares cabs, ha ha ha?
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