Some Blues Rock Noodling, Doug Rappoport and Doug Aldrich Style ...


Hey guys, just me messing around some news tones and licks. I ve been listening a lot Doug Rappoport and Doug Aldich lately and well, tryin to add new lines and licks to my playing :). Still lots of poracticing but the tone is cool I think !!! So, its on my facebook not on youtube ( video is very bad, just from the mac webcam ) ... anyway here it is, hope u can see it :)
I got dragged in under false pretenses. I don't hear the blues in the "blues rock noodling." Good tones and a lot of chops, but no blues.
I got dragged in under false pretenses. I don't hear the blues in the "blues rock noodling." Good tones and a lot of chops, but no blues.
well actually I m playing a lot of minor to major thirds here, and pretty much all the licks are from Doug Rappoport whos the lead guitar player for Edgar Winter and its pretty much blues rock ... blues shred if u wanna say it that way. But yeah, u re right, no bb king style here.... sorry :p
Whatever it is - great playing once again!! Loved it - especially with the little nod to eddie thrown in there :encouragement:
Argh!! NAMM - how I would love to go there some day!!! Kid/Candyshop springs to mind. Wish there was something like that here in OZ.
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