Solved: FX Loop


I've tried searching but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I have recently added a FreqOut pedal as the only external pedal I'm running. I am running FX Send L to the FreqOut Input and the FreqOut Output to the FX Return L. Then I have the Out 2 Knob all the way up.

If the FX Loop is on I get no audio. My wireless shows signal coming but the VU screen shows no audio. When I disable the FX Loop the audio comes back.

I read a forum post saying I need to set the Out 2 (FX Send) Echo to Output 1. That is set.

Here is my patch:


Here is my I/O page:

Screenshot 2018-08-31 12.54.56.png

Is there something I'm missing?
Just to remove as many variables as possible I have no bypassed the FreqOut pedal entirely.

I am not running AX8 FX Send to AX8 FX Return. Still no sound.
Sorry for the SPAM! When I unplug the Return cable I get signal and it starts buzzing loudly. So I know the cable is fine and the FX Send seems to be sending signal.

Edit: This is also happening with premade presets from Fractal. Any patch where I add the FX Loop instantly kills the signal.

Ok. I'm making more progress, but still no sound. I have confirmed that while the cable coming out of the AX8 FX Send it is not giving actual guitar signal. I tested this by tapping the end of the cable and hearing a buzz with each tap. When plugging into the FreqOut pedal and turning it on the LED's should light up when I play. This does not happen. If I then plug my guitar directly into the FreqOut the LED's light up.

So the FX Send is not actually sending my guitar signal to the pedal.
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Also looking at your second image, I'm not sure about that bottom setting, "echo" doesn't seem right, but I don't have access to the manual or a real unit right now.
Also looking at your second image, I'm not sure about that bottom setting, "echo" doesn't seem right, but I don't have access to the manual or a real unit right now.

The Output 2 knob is all the way up. I’ve tried all three options for the Echo setting “none” “output 1” and “input 1”. All are silent.
What is the input select set to on the Amp block?

If you are using Left only for FXLoop you probably want to have the Amp using Left only for input.

Just a suggestion...
Ok, as painful as this is going to be to admit I've fixed one of my issues. I had the Send/Return on the AX8 flipped.

Now that it is going to right way I can turn on the FX Loop block and if I plug directly into the pedal I can get the signal and can hear it. However when I then use the FX Send there is no signal sent to my pedal still.

So I have the one issue (stupidity) resolved and now I need to figure out why the FX Send is not sending signal to my pedal. Thankfully the FX Return is receiving audio. One down.
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I just realized why I had it backwards. The manual has them flipped from what is on my actual model.

Screenshot 2018-08-31 15.35.42.png

And here's my AX8

Screenshot 2018-08-31 15.41.27.png

The FX Send/Return is flipped. Oh well. I'm still stuck with no sounds, but I'm digging through the manual and menus to try and figure out why the FX Send is not sending audio to my pedal.
Why is output 2 echo output 1? You don’t have anything on output 1 cause you broke the chain.

I set that based on a different forum thread that came up in a Google search when I was first testing. I've since reset it back to none after reading the manual.

At this point if I plug my guitar directly into the FreqOut pedal it works as expected. If I then run the FX Send into the pedal nothing happens.
I set that based on a different forum thread that came up in a Google search when I was first testing. I've since reset it back to none after reading the manual.

At this point if I plug my guitar directly into the FreqOut pedal it works as expected. If I then run the FX Send into the pedal nothing happens.
Did you try using right instead of left... Maybe a bad jack?

Different cables?
I just tested this with my AX8 using a simple guitar cable to/from FX Loop. Seemed to work fine. I left Output 2 (Fx Send) Echo set to None.

Can you check your IO->CTRL settings and see if you might have a pedal or something assigned to the FX Send Volume parameter.
I just tested this with my AX8 using a simple guitar cable to/from FX Loop. Seemed to work fine. I left Output 2 (Fx Send) Echo set to None.

Can you check your IO->CTRL settings and see if you might have a pedal or something assigned to the FX Send Volume parameter.

I have since set the Output 2 (FX Send) Echo to None and the IO->Ctrl for Out 2 (FX Send) Volume is set to the number 12.

I am also now just running FX Send -> FX Return and still get nothing.
Have you tried this in a new fresh preset using just the front-panel? I didn't try any of this with Ax8-Edit, I would assume it works... but the hardware is the ultimate source of truth.
This is going to be the worst forum post ever because the issue is resolved but I have no idea what change made it start working. I assigned the FX Loop to a momentary footswitch ever since then it's been working. Removing the footswitch setting also works.

So sorry to anyone in the future who reads this hoping to know the final resolution. It literally just started working.
Were you always using Ax8-Edit for this? Or did you ever try to use the front-panel? I wonder if something was up with the Editor.

Glad to hear it's working!
Were you always using Ax8-Edit for this? Or did you ever try to use the front-panel? I wonder if something was up with the Editor.

Glad to hear it's working!

I was using both. AX Edit wasn't super helpful since I'm not sure how to edit I/O type settings. That being said I'm more familiar with the menus now which is nice.
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