SOLVED. FM9 Edit not connecting over USB

I am assuming you've installed the FM9 driver?

If so and it still doesn't work, here's a thread that has common troubleshooting for this:

Yes, installed the FM9 PC driver from Fractal's downloads page. Nothing works. I have rebooted both my PC and the FM9, and no matter what I do, when I go into Settings > Preferences > Ports, the ONLY choice I can make for input and output are "none" as no units are showing up there. I tried the thread you linked to, and don't see any solutions. I tried all three USB ports and a short USB cable, so as not to use one that is too long.

Edit: Okay, got it to work by downloading the Windows USB Driver on their download page. That made my PC connect the FM9 to the installed FM9 Edit app. So that will at least make my attempt at trying to create sounds I like easier. Since so far the built-in presets really aren't doing it for me.
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