[SOLVED] First Post - My plex delay isn't working through amp, and the effects don't sound the same?

I've plugged in a cable from Out 2 to the input of my Fender GTX100 and the plex delay doesn't work.
The effects don't sound as good as when I'm listening on my headphones. (I obviously have another cable going from guitar into In 1.)
Is there anything I can change in my custom presets for it to work better? (I know my amp has Line Out, FX Send and Return, should I set up my cables in a different way?)
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It's most likely stereo vs mono like Leon said. Also if your Output 2 mode is set to Sum L+R, you could be getting phase cancelation between the channels on certain effects too.
Am I allowed to post a link to the preset, if I bought it off Edosounds? Is there a privacy issue? I'm not sure.

You shouldn't share presets you have bought.

I am not familiar with your amp but possible things to try are disabling the cab block and disabling power amp modelling on the FM3 - have a look in the manual I think these can both be achieved in global settings. I would also try sending the output of the FM3 in to the amps FX return (be careful with volume, turn the output down on the FM3 first as it might get loud), not into the front of the amp.

As has been previously stated, some delays only work in stereo; in mono they phase cancel and don't work so maybe experiment with a different delay type or see if there is an option to change the phase in the block (using FM3 edit).

Above all, do some reading, check out the manual and maybe do a search in youtube as there is lots of helpful content there and be patient; it's a bit of a learning curve before this stuff makes a lot of sense.
The Plex Delay is routed to OUT 1. It would need to be routed/connected to the OUT2 block in order to hear it from your amp. Did the preset(s) include any documentation, pdf or readme, describing their intended use or how your gear should be configured?
He's saying that if you want to use the FM3 Amp and Cab modeling, use OUTPUT 1 (use both L and R for stereo). Use OUTPUT 2 to go into a guitar amp, it's routed out before the amp and cab blocks.

You can use OUTPUT 1 L with your amp, just bypass the Amp and Cab blocks. This will allow you to use the Plex Delay but the effects may not sound as intended if they're stereo effects.
He's saying that if you want to use the FM3 Amp and Cab modeling, use OUTPUT 1 (use both L and R for stereo). Use OUTPUT 2 to go into a guitar amp, it's routed out before the amp and cab blocks.

You can use OUTPUT 1 L with your amp, just bypass the Amp and Cab blocks. This will allow you to use the Plex Delay but the effects may not sound as intended if they're stereo effects.
It sounds like hes saying that I need to buy studio monitors, for it to sound as intended.
There is a simple solution. Disable the cab block and use output 1 to your amp. Turn off poweramp modelling IF it sounds better. Simples innit.

All everybody has to do is imagine the signal chain in every preset.
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