Solo or Boost!?


New Member
Im new to my Axe FX II XL and i love it... but,
Whats the best way to set up a preset for soloing or boosting....? Is it as simple as finding a preset and boosting the output volume of it or, is there a way to set up a boost on the MFC? I also have a drama with my Mission sp1-r... anyone out there able to help?
There are so many ways to do this.

Add a filter type null and set the db to the desired boost. If you are using scenes that is easy and you can enable that block in the lead scene.

Some people would also use a foot pedal and attach to a modifier for volume or such. Another one is to connect a scene controller to the boost switch if that is what you want.
As states Preset level - Axe-Fx II Wiki
Preset level: boosting the volume level

Here are some methods to boost the signal level, i.e. for leads:
Add a Filter block at the end of the chain, set it to NullFilter with Level at (for example) 4 dB, and assign the Filter's Bypass state to a switch.
Use a Mixer block and attach a pedal to a suitable parameter.
Use a PEQ or GEQ block with its Level turned up and assign the Filter's Bypass state to a switch.
Use a pedal or switch to turn up the Input Drive, or Input Trim, or Master Volume of the Amp block.
Boost the level at the input of the grid, using the Level parameter in the GTE/IN menu.
Create a global "Boost" switch without having to modify each preset (source: Matman) as follows. Set the CC of an IA switch on the floor controller to OUT1 VOLUME. Set the OFF value to (for example) "111" (unboosted level) and set the ON value to "127" (boosted level). If you're using Output 2 as well, don't forget to add a second CC for OUT2 VOLUME, or assign OUT2 to the same CC as OUT1.
Use a Scene for increased output level.
Use an expression pedal.
Thanks heaps!!! Great Advice.... anyone have mission expression pedals...? im having a drama with a wah... set up ok but it works in reverse... i have an sp1-r and the LED and pedal are active when the wah is off and when i want it on the LED comes off.... ive reversed the polarity... ive tried everything... or have i set this up wrong?
I tried the global Boost switch dpavel mentions and recall it working fairly well. But I ended up with 2 ways to do this that work very well for me:

I have a lead preset I always use. I set its output level to 0.0. All other presets' output levels are set to -4.40 db.

To set the output level, on the front panel, press Layout, then right arrow all the way to the right to the Output section, then press Edit. Right arrow all the way to the right to the main slider and move it down maybe -5 db for rhythm presets. For lead preset, leave it at 0 for lead (do nothing, basically).

I also use Scenes, with Scene 1 as the rhythm scene for the preset at -4.40 db, and Scene 2 as the lead scene for the preset, with the output level set to 2.0 (but most are set to 0.0). On some presets, scenes 1 and 2 are identical except for the output level; on others, I duplicated that lead preset--you can have a different amp, etc., in scene 2.

To set the scene outputs, just select scene 1 or 2 (or whatever), then select layout, output section, Edit, just like before.

But the only time I use the scenes for lead/rhythm switching is on a clean preset for Take It Easy, where the lead is still clean, just louder (maybe a little more delay). For all other presets, even the clean ones, I just switch to the JVM OD2 Red preset for high-gain lead.
I do both, I have a main lead patch and on my low gain and main rythem patches I have a filter block at the end on the preset chain set to null and each with a +3 db and I'd need to look but my main lead patch I think is about 3.5 db louder than my normal presets.
As I run the MFC by bank = 5, I always keep the 5th preset for lead (see in my sig below) meaning the volume and mids are boost up.
Further I keep 2 switches on my extension unit for Volume increase and Volume decrease so I can boost the volume by any level I want on any preset I want.
Simple. :encouragement:
I usually insert a PEQ into the preset, after the amp/cabs/effects, but before the delays/reverbs. Currently, most of my patches are boosted around 5 or 6dB with the PEQ, although that may be a bit hot - I may be lowering that to somewhere in the 3 or 4 dB range. Turn on the PEQ, via an IA switch, and the preset is boosted.
I just put acivil block at the end and a button dedicated to it for solo boost. In hindsight a Peq would have given me more flexibility but I already have the vol blocks in all my presets.
I just put acivil block at the end and a button dedicated to it for solo boost. In hindsight a Peq would have given me more flexibility but I already have the vol blocks in all my presets.

You don't want TOO civil of a block - he wants a BOOST, not a polite tone..... :?. C'mon fingers, do your thing and get on the right keys, there.
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