So you're only allowed one amp sim!!

if I'm only allowed to have one amp..

can this be the 5153Green, Blue and Red??
cos technically that is just one amp...
I'm thinking about amps that have proper clean and an overdrive that you can boost to as much gain as possible.

Lonestar? Rockerverb? Plexi?

Well those three sound great both clean and driven. Actually Rockerverb doesn't even need a boost for metal... So Orange.

But break your own Axe and don't even think about getting closer to mine.
I need a clean and a dirty, so this is a non-starter to me. I'd have to go back to tube amps... and cry myself to sleep every night.
I would take the JM45. I could do all distorted sounds with stomps. There'd be still no reason to hurt my back with heavyweight tubestuff.
I'm surprised in myself that I am having such hard time deciding, but I'm gonna have to go with the FAS Modern cause its just a freakin workhorse for metal and rock.
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