So long...

The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy GIF
Maybe true, But you have fractal gear and all those amps and guitars! Better than a Yacht!
I could have bought another house 😂. Seriously tho, someone has a classic car with 10s of K into it no one bats an eye. Have some guitar gear or worse, recording stuff and your family will come out of the woodwork how you wasted your money. Meanwhile, I consistently put money back in my pocket weekly thanks TO my guitar stuff, and especially my FAS gear 100%.
I sold of my tube amps and have 4 Fractal Units. I can always change amps whenever I want to. But I play live a lot, and now I am recording music for a movie, and maybe more movies, since an old friend got in contact with me to write the soundtrack songs. It might take 5 years to come out, but I’ll sure let everyone know when it’s out!
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