So long...

I went the other way and said so long to all my amps - but one.

I still have my amps and cabs along with 3 Fractal units, a couple of Digitech floor units (3 and 3000), so on, and so on, and so on.

I learned a long time ago to not sell off my gear. I'm not a collector, but I could have been with some of the stuff I sold in the past. Chalk a couple of them up to serious regrets.
I guess I’m weird. The axe fx actually made me buy my first two tube amps and cabs and I’ll never get rid of them.
same makes me want to get a friedman and a mesa dual rec and some drive pedals

….For display (if i had the money lol)

(the axe is just too fast , amazing and convenient to use)
I walk into a music store, stare at a Bad Cat Jet Black and then think I could have a second MkII Turbo with a switcher to toggle back and forth. Then I'd spend hours...days...months categorizing Presets, Cabs, sounds to divide between the two and then 6 months later decide to re-do it. :rolleyes:
Both worlds are amazing! At this point, I can't imagine doing a contemporary worship set without my FM9---switching amps and effects so smoothly. That being said, I spent last week at a blues workshop, where the whole time I went direct from Strat to cranked-up Deluxe Reverb, controlling everything with the guitar volume/tone. What a different feel and experience that was after being in the modelling world for a while.
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