So I got my first Tele today...

Clark Kent said:
But surely there's a difference in a tele and a tele that has humbuckers in it. I mean... that's really just someone who likes how a tele looks but not how it sounds. The other guitarist in Slipknot also has a tele with humbuckers. My point was the fact that single coils seem to work well with the Recto like in this last clip. The first clip I made... well it wasn't even Axe-Fx. :)
I have to disagree, AND agree.

While a Tele with humbuckers is NOT going to sound like a Tele with singlecoils, it's still not going to sound like ANY other guitar.

Also, John 5 has several singlecoil, and lipstick (which is a REAL Tele pup) guitars, and they ALL sound awesome with metal.
I'm pretty sure my next guitar is going to be a 7-string Tele. I've wanted a Tele for a while, but I know any 6-strings I buy tend to go relatively unused. :(
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