So... a customer commissioned a lightweight cab from XiTone...


that was also not FRFR!!!!!

So, after working with said customer and getting some info, low and behold, a lightweight XiTone cab is born.

Driver is a Celestion Century Vintage 12" speaker that sounds really good and is very immediate. It is also a very light driver at 3.7 pounds.

So, any guesses on how light this cab is after LineX and grille?

I know... iPhone video is not the best but I didn't have time to setup a full on session to record the cab... maybe one day next week.


14 pounds?
what the century vintage 12 voicing closest to?

Not that light. It is a XiTone and certain quality elements had to be there!

As for a comparison... what I saw most in research were folks saying the Century Vintage could be considered a smoother version of a V30... I have no way to verify that but I do know that for my patches, I made no changes and most were just fine and needed no tweaking. Some of the very high gain patches benefitted from a PEQ to pull out some high end... usually starting around 4-5k and then only 2-4db....
This cab is going to the other guitar player in my band (I strongly suspect unless there are two orders for the same thing) so I'll write my AF2 thru it and post feedback later in the month.

Mick has been awesome to work with BTW.

Sounds awesome Mick!!! Hey, just curious what amp were you using with that?

An old Crate reference amp I've had for so long I don't even remember when I got it.

This cab is going to the other guitar player in my band (I strongly suspect unless there are two orders for the same thing) so I'll write my AF2 thru it and post feedback later in the month.

Mick has been awesome to work with BTW.


This cabs owner is based in the Boston area. I do have another 2x12 to finish out shortly!


Did you use the lightweight Italian Poplar?

Cheers, Mike

Nah, never have found a good supplier in my area for that stuff... If I can find it I'll get some to try.

21.5 pounds

Not quite that light...
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