Small, inexpensive monitors for practice


New Member
This is probably wishful thinking, but are there any small, good quality, inexpensive ($300/pair or less) monitors out there that sound good with the AxeFx? They don't have to be loud, as I would not be using them in a band setting. They do need to be small for portability when traveling. I'm thinking 5" woofers or smaller, possibly 8" if they are light weight.

My "away from home" practice rig has been the Axe through a Tech 21 Trademark 20's power section. It sounds OK, but it's not FRFR or stereo.
I like my Behringer Truths B2031s. At the time, about 8 years ago, I compared those to Genelecs of the same size (but 7 times the price) and they were not as detailed but sounded much the same. I liked the sound more than the Mackies (the first model, the only one they had at that time.) which I thought was a bit nasal and middy.
In between Behringer upgraded the model to B2031A and they make a new model with ribbon tweeter. Which are supposed to be improvements. I wouldn't know. I never tried those and the ones I have satisfy me.
Alesis M1.
I have a Berhinger 2031A actually and it sounds to me like a crap or mine is borked.
I've never actually heard one so I have no idea about their performance but if portability is important the Roland CM-30 Cube Monitor may be worth checking out. Convenient handle at the top.
I have a tc helicon I'm interested in selling pm me if your interested I want to get a verve 8ma so I need to sell it
Ugg said:
This is probably wishful thinking, but are there any small, good quality, inexpensive ($300/pair or less) monitors out there that sound good with the AxeFx? They don't have to be loud, as I would not be using them in a band setting. They do need to be small for portability when traveling. I'm thinking 5" woofers or smaller, possibly 8" if they are light weight.

My "away from home" practice rig has been the Axe through a Tech 21 Trademark 20's power section. It sounds OK, but it's not FRFR or stereo.

TAscam VL-X5-These are the discontinued ones. I have used many studio monitors.These rival the $700 to $1,000 easily.
Try ebay. I kid you not, they are what you want for the price. New they were $299 for the pair. They blow away any in this price range. The new ones are VL-A5. Never heard those, but the X5's have a very deep cabinet(beautiful wood grain) Seems the new ones have an even deeper cab. Mine are great for low end partly because of the deep cab. Deep for a small monitor of course.
EDIT: Just found that the front baffle is the only difference between the new ones and the ones I have>
Nope, I don't work for Tascam :) But when I find something priced like this that sounds like they do(also built lika a tank) I like to pass it along
bmi said:
Alesis M1.
I have a Berhinger 2031A actually and it sounds to me like a crap or mine is borked.
I have Behringer B2030As and I wasn't able to get very convincing tones out of them with the Axe-FX (only a brief attempt). The 2031s are a step up though.
I don't know these are the first berhinger i have and it's not a surprise to me for the price. A lot of speakers are sold as monitor in this range of price but you have to forget it they are not. I can't hear something with them.(a good excuse to post crappy records ;) )
For practice i didn't find them very musical, i think the Alesis M1 MK2 are more interesting for that.
If you want to go for a better choice for practice and mix i would suggest to have a look to the Fostex PM2 then the Genelec 8020A.
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