Signal routing question: wirdness with the cab block


Hey all you signal routing gurus... this is what im trying to do (see pic)

I am already using the fx block for external effects.

I would like to basically have a split signal out of main out L and main out R with the left side getting a cab block and the right side going to a power amp in.

The problem when I do this is that I no longer hear the axe fx effects in one of the sides unless set to stereo.

Is this possible to just have the same signal, but the main out left and right differ by a cab block?


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Woops, the above pic should have had the output block highlighted with the panning as shown

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The problem when I do this is that I no longer hear the axe fx effects in one of the sides unless set to stereo.

Which effects? Which side? Unless which parameter is set to stereo?

One guess is that you're referring to the delay disappearing from the cab block channel (Output 1L) unless cab block mode = stereo. This could happen with one delay channel inverted e.g. default for 2290 type. Ways to avoid this:

A. Cab block input select = LEFT or RIGHT


B. At delay block MOD page, PHASE REV = NONE
Thanks a ton... A solved it!

The input paramater needed to be set at either LEFT or RIGHT.

You rock. Thanks for the hours of saved frustration. Works perfectly to the amp and daw at the same time.

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