Sigh......I just upgraded to firmware v9!


I just upgraded from v8 to v9 this evening. I only have five presets (Blackface clean, Vox clean, Tweed Blues, Marshall Crunch, and Hot Rodded Marshall) each with various effects in the chain that I switch on and off with my midi pedalboard. I had them tweaked just the way I liked them, and after the upgrade, my clean tones are darker and more mid-rangey, and my dirty tones are too bright!

I am sure I will find my way again, but it's a bit frustrating after getting everything just right!

On the plus side, the new Axe software looks awesome. If I could just figure out what the hell I'm doing with the preset manager, I would be all set!
Are you asking for help? Or are you just venting? Not really sure what you're asking for... quick tip, default everything to defaults by selecting the block in question and pressing (and holding) the bypass button for two seconds (make sure bypass is not enabled after you do this) and them tweak to taste.
mortega76 said:
Are you asking for help? Or are you just venting? Not really sure what you're asking for... quick tip, default everything to defaults by selecting the block in question and pressing (and holding) the bypass button for two seconds (make sure bypass is not enabled after you do this) and them tweak to taste.

Not really venting. Just moaning a bit, as I was all set just the way I like it. Thanks for the tips on the default settings. Perhaps I'll start there, and then tweak it.
If you liked 8 then you can always go back. 9 is a big update and changes all of your tones some may sound better some not. All I can say is that it's worth putting the time in with 9, you will be rewarded in the end.
I haven't heared anybody who doesen't like V9 and went back. Seems to be nearly (if not completely) bug-free and we have it already for some time. Defaulting the amp block would be my suggestion, too. Maybe I want to hear that, but I think my sound improved obviously (after tweaking, of course).
Should'nt be too much work for the 5 presets. Be sure to read the release notes, i.e. reverb improved but settings changed (afair, it's been a while ...).
I'd go for it. You will love it!
But don't come back and blame us, when 9.1 comes out just the time you're ready. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Much luck on the quest! :cool:
michl_666 said:
I haven't heared anybody who doesen't like V9 and went back. Seems to be nearly (if not completely) bug-free and we have it already for some time. Defaulting the amp block would be my suggestion, too. Maybe I want to hear that, but I think my sound improved obviously (after tweaking, of course).
Should'nt be too much work for the 5 presets. Be sure to read the release notes, i.e. reverb improved but settings changed (afair, it's been a while ...).
I'd go for it. You will love it!
But don't come back and blame us, when 9.1 comes out just the time you're ready. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Much luck on the quest! :cool:

:lol: It's not that I don't like it. I do notice that the tones seem to have a bit more dimension, but I was not expecting to have to tweak my settings all that much. I am certainly not down on this upgrade, and have no plans on going back, but when you tweak something for a few months, and finally get where you want to be, it can be a bit frustrating is all. The new software interface is excellent, and will make the tweak process much easier than going through the front panel of the Axe.

Just to add a bit of context to my satisfaction of my Axe Fx. I have been a long time tube user (over 20 years), and have sold off every tube amp I owned, because this thing is so good! I have every intention of moving forward as the updates come out, but it has been a challenge to go from the simplicity of tube amps to a completely digital solution that is as deep as it is wide with options for my amps and effects. I just a bit flustered when they shuffle the deck on me! :lol:
Blueser said:
I just upgraded from v8 to v9 this evening. I only have five presets....I had them tweaked just the way I liked them....I am sure I will find my way again, but it's a bit frustrating after getting everything just right!
Several users have 30 or more presets. I don't mind re-dialing if the overall result is a significant improvement which has been the case in over 20 firmware upgrades I've done. You just have to dial to harness the improvement in the math engine, some people struggle with that.
When I first upgraded it was a nightmare. But the forum guys helped me and now I have the best tone I have ever had. I would try to build a patch from scratch, who know, you might like it better.
Devastationdynasty said:
When I first upgraded it was a nightmare. But the forum guys helped me and now I have the best tone I have ever had. I would try to build a patch from scratch, who know, you might like it better.

That is exactly the approach I am going to take! I will start with a stock version of each amp, and tweak from there based on what I've learned in the prior configuration.
Back in the saddle!!!

I found that the main difference in the sound of my presets was the effect of the warmth and thump parameters. I spent about an hour tweaking these in my presets, and I am loving my tones once again! Thanks to all that responded to my "stream of consciousness"!
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