Should I buy a mkI at this point?

I really think we’ve achieved it all soundwise with the Axe FX III. If/when there is an Axe FX IV, Im assuming a lot of the upgrades are going to be more technological (i.e. bluetooth, wi-fi, etc). I couldnt imagine a scenario where we would get a “more real plexi”. Im still on MKI
My Mark 1 still does almost everything , and I'll bet my signal chain is as messy as anyone's. The only thing I ever do is reduce Reverb quality to Normal or High from Ultra High or whatever it's called when I start getting near 80% on the CPU. I don't really do that very often.
There was talk about the MKI not having enough storage or memory for the ultra res cabs and IIRC they weren’t to be included in the MKI until they came up with a solution. I may be completely wrong about this but this is how I remember it. So, it is completely feasible there will be an EOL before the MKII or feature set not available that will become available to the MKII. Still, the MKI is equal in every way but storage and I think some multi color splash on the front panel lighting, I dont really know but they’re basically the same thing TODAY. For my money, buy with confidence. I bet it will be relevant for a few years to come still.

I believe you're thinking about the extra long Full Res cabs. UltraRes predates the Axe III and has always been supported. Only the Mark II and up have storage space for User Full Res cabs. The Mark I has only a handful of factory Full Res cabs stored at the end of the Legacy cab bank.
I believe you're thinking about the extra long Full Res cabs. UltraRes predates the Axe III and has always been supported. Only the Mark II and up have storage space for User Full Res cabs. The Mark I has only a handful of factory Full Res cabs stored at the end of the Legacy cab bank.
Yea thats right. In my mind ultra > full but I lost count after super duper hi res.
New here. Just bought a Mark 1 used about a month ago. Bought the Cooper Carter class too. Some His examples (presets) are really complex and run fine on my unit. The real fact IMHO is how much better can this get? It is an incredible piece of gear.
No doubt. Shiny and newer always seems better than last gen but you are finely served with a MKI. I have the same one and wont replace until something hugely ups the game. The MKII wasn’t it.
True lol . People did say the Pod sounded like the real thing after all lol
For those who were around for it, the red bean was like the first warp drive. We got to light speed with that. It was bumpy and crude, but we did it. Personally I liked my rocktron chameleon a lot better but all that gear had its charm to it.
For those who were around for it, the red bean was like the first warp drive. We got to light speed with that. It was bumpy and crude, but we did it. Personally I liked my rocktron chameleon a lot better but all that gear had its charm to it.
Oh yeah, I remember being so enthusiastic about the first Rockman back in the very early 80s. I bought the “Rockmount” so I could rack and power it and thought the sound was great! Of course, I wasn’t playing in Boston, so reality set in pretty quickly on how far you could go with it.

To the OP, I always tell people to buy the most current version they can manage in anything computing based. Everything has an end-of-life, which is really an end-of-update/support because it can have a long life after that. But getting the latest proven iteration puts you as far as possible from that happening, so it’s almost always worth the difference in cost if “how long is it going to be supported” is your question. In terms of sound, my old Fender Electric Company-made Super Reverb turns 60 next year, and that particular amp hasn’t been “supported or updated” by Fender in nearly that long, and it still sounds great and fits into current music whenever I use it. Based on that, I’d say the tones in any Axe Fx will still be totally useful throughout your gigging lifetime.
Yeah, yeah…I sold my mkiii a while back. I think I've learned my lesson…Got an offer of $1400 from a friend and don't think I can pass that ... Yes, it is worth buying. However it highly depends on the type of user. If you are a gamer, then you should look into laptops with more ...when you buy the pack, and let's say omniman is released you can play him even if the other characters aren't released up to that point. Do I really need to touch off every time? Except on trams (see below), the official line is yes. If you don't touch-off, you may get charged ... Whether you're a first-time buyer or a Supra collector, here's what to look for with each gen and model year from 1979 to 2021.Jaguars perform better in low level strike as compared to SU 30 MKI. It will be better option to phase it out slowly by first phasing out those ...
Glad to know I'm still smarter than an artificial intelligence.
Happy MkI OG here. I genuinely have no need or desire to upgrade. If anything I’m eyeing off an FM3.

As Rick said, old(er) doesn’t mean outdated. It still does exactly what it did when it came out, which is to create pure sonic awesomeness. The newer models are the same Ferrari with a bit more boot space and a cup holder - they sound exactly the same, you can just fit more presets in (I only use 1) and fit more blocks at once (I never get anywhere near the limit). So I’m happy.
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