Shit In My Hat...Warren Haynes with an Axe Fx!...

HEY NOW, I'm old and I am thinking of getting the axe-2 for eveything, not just effects. :) Just saying, there are a lot of old players, Alex Lifeson/Petrucci, that embrace new tech. My back sure embraces it, that for damn sure!
I see this is going to be way more common than I originally though because of the cost of shipping rigs etc... It's kind of a no brainer now, an axe can pay for itself almost every show, in bodies and monetarily.
would love to see a rundown on how he uses it! anyone know of one?
Who are you referring to? I could probably find an article on it quick. Alex and John are only using their
units for effects, right now. Like John and Alex they can't let go over their heads and why should they.
They have money and bodies to carry the load. I will keep a couple of my Marshall's for sure.
Remember the axe is an emulation, but the real thing still rips like always.
I forgot to mention that when I saw Gov't Mule the other day, Warren Haynes hit me in the mouth. Not joking. He threw a guitar pick and it hit me in the mouth. I'm glad my jaw wasn't on the floor from his awesome guitar playing or it would have probably went right down my throat...
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