Shipping to non-billing address not possible?

Mine was shipped to different address and to different person. No problem, it just took a few days longer before they checked with the credit card company.
Did you register the other address with your credit card company?

Nope, did nothing, just had to wait few days. Was worried first when i saw my order was pending review longer than others. But after i contacted FAS, they said they had to contact my credit card company and thats it.
I have a Nigerian Visa Credit Card. Would it be possible to have 5 units shipped to my freight forwarder? Please let me know because this card expires in 72 hours.
I e-mailed Fractal after placing the order on line and requested they ship to an alternate adress and they obliged.
What specifically needs more clairification? i e-mailed Fractal asked them if they would ship to an address other than my billing address and they e-mailed me back and said they would and the shipping address was changed to the one I requesed.
My experience

As someone who used to run a business that accepted credit cards... they will likely not ship to a non verified address unless someone can vouch for you, therefore I would imagine they might make exceptions for clients they recognize, I know I used to with regular clients.
Hi kirkster, my most sincere apologies, I didn't mean bother you, but I am a little bit concerned about this topic, and I didn't understand your first post correctly because English is not my language. Thanks for the clarification, I really appreciate it. =)

My best regards.
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