Share your "Amp In Room" Patches

I've been trying to see how close I can get to the "amp in room" sound that is discussed so often around here with my current set up of nearfield FRFR studio monitors. I always see vague references on how to achieve this, but usually not enough info to get me there. From what I've heard the key may be to use farfield IRs instead of close miced, but even there I've only come up with a limited number of those and I'm not sure I'm even dialing the patch near it's potential.

Truth is I'm really happy with many of the sounds I'm getting now, especially with firmware upgrades that always seem to add even more realism to the sound. I've come across many clean patches an dialed in some of my own that have more than satisfied me. As for higher gain patches, again I'm plenty satisfied BUT I wonder how much further it can go. Many of my go to patches are ones I've downloaded from this site, and kept because they gave me that feel. I've learned a lot from dissecting them to see how they got there.

So what I'm looking for here are patches that you guys have that you think maybe stand out in this regard (amp in room). I'd like to try some out and see if I've already got near the limit or if there's a whole other world inside my Axe that I haven't touched yet. If you just have an IR that stands out to you, that would be great with some insight on how to dial it in. For that matter I'd be interested in any suggestions on settings. Links to other threads would be fine also, but as often as I've read other users saying there are ways to achieve this, I found suprisingly little specifics doing a google search here.

If this works out it could be a valuable resource for user that are looking for this feel over a wide range of styles.
ok, here's something i've been trying to get my head around about this miced/in-room debate. If you get your axe-fx to sound like an "in the room" cabinet/amp setup and run that tone to FOH, isn't that tone going to be poor for mixing in with the rest of the band considering usually it's a close miced tone sent to FOH?
rsf1977 said:
ok, here's something i've been trying to get my head around about this miced/in-room debate. If you get your axe-fx to sound like an "in the room" cabinet/amp setup and run that tone to FOH, isn't that tone going to be poor for mixing in with the rest of the band considering usually it's a close miced tone sent to FOH?

I was kinda actually hoping this thread wasn't going to go this direction as we've seen this debated time an again, but simply some people want that sound and it's been brought up that it's doable, and I'd like to see some good examples.

Maybe it would be terrible for FOH, but that's not a concern for some of us as I doubt I'll ever need to. Even when I was in a band years ago it didn't matter as we never miced amps anyway, places were so small an we just cranked what we had. :lol: Since getting the Axe I've gotten so many tones I'd always dreamed of, both miced tones an some that sound more in the I like both. It's obvious some people want it looking at the development of the Atomic amp to achieve this, an that may be an option later. I think my future with guitar is playing at home an some garage jams so FOH isn't an issue. Just more options is all.
Here are some starting points that worked for me, keep in mind I'm always using the low-gain type amps:
- Amp, 2 cabs and reverb, nothing more for starters
- Master Volume on 10
- Gain set to taste but pushed.
- Thump and Warmth in the 6-7 region
- Depth on 1 (passive setting)
- Tone is set to "passive" and "pre"
- Cab... well that's a big one, I would start with the far field IR's Jay created.
I just double up the same cab and pan both of them slightly to the same direction (don't ask why, it just sounds better that way for me)
- Reverb, this is very important, you want a tinny bit to simulate room reflection, reverb is used here for room slap backs not for "real reverb", if you play in a nice acoustic room and you push some real amp volume you can skip the reverb all together.
- No mater what, the CAB should always be your last block (except for the slap back reverb)

I'll post a preset as soon as I get to it.

And finally.... maybe all this will not be needed soon... because I heard the new Atomic power cab will make creating "amp in a room" tones as easy as pie!

I'm still pretty new to this thing...and my attempts to build from scratch haven't blown me away yet. But, two of my personal favorites so far in this vein I believe are on axechange:
- Raca's Dr.Z
- My Bloody Valentine

I don't have a FRFR setup, but I would imagine the difference between the "amp in the room" and "mic on an amp" sound is using a real speaker in a room.
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