Seymour Duncan Little '59s for a Tele

I put one in one of my Telecasters. The issue I had is that it really overpowered the neck pickup so I had to change that as well. I then ended up pulling those out and using the neck pickup in a different Tele that I turned into a Nashville Tele. The Little 59' is not setting in it's box in the closet. If you put a pickup in the neck that matches it, they are pretty good. I was playing a lot of classic rock at the time and put a Vintage Stack in the neck to keep up with the output of the Little 59'.
That was how my bandmate ran for a bit in Sparrows. It worked well imo but he has always been a fullsize humbucker guy and ended up with a different hh tele (and swapped pickups in that too).
Not an SD pickup but my fave for humbucking tele bridge pickup is the Dimarzio Chopper T paired with a twang king neck. Sounds great-punchy, great mids, solid low end and sweet top end. First heard these in the Kotzen tele and ended putting in a couple others and sounds good in any guitar so far. I did not gel with the little 59's. YMMV.
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