Several new presets


I've published several new presets of my own onto the new Axe-Change library over the past few days. But as I have the feeling that not many of you actually use the new preset manager included in the new Axe-Edit, I've decided to upload some of them here.
Warning: there is no metal sound here :) and these presets are made for FRFR. I guess they won't sound any good on a guitar amplifier.

Your comments and critics are welcome.

Just wanted to let you know your "Raca's Dr Z" preset was a WOW moment for me. I got my ultra a week or so ago and after going through the stock patches, I decided to try some user created ones before diving into making my own. That preset was the first one that made me feel like I was sitting in front of my amp (strat into a modded matchless lightning clone). It's actually delayed me from making my own because it sounds soooo good to me I just keep jamming on it....great job and thanks for sharing it!

I've been going through more of the patches on axe-change and have found a few other gems as well, this community rocks!
I completely agree with Krablar. These presets are awesome! I plugged my tele into your Cornford preset and it sounded huge. The tone I am getting sounds almost identical to Satriani's sound from the Super Collossal record. One of my goals was to dial that sound in and as soon as I uploaded your preset it was there. Will probably end up tweaking a tad for my FRFR set up but not too much. Thanks a ton Raca!
Hey Raca, If I get time I am gonna audition these tonight...They got reviews so far :lol:
You may have this info posted elsewhere...but do mind sharing what FRFR you used in making these?
To krablar and thetower07:
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like them!

To guitarded:
I live downtown in an apartment with wife and children where it is not possible to play loud.
My Axe-Fx, keyboards and drums module are plugged into a digital mixer which is connected to a dedicated Hi-Fi amplifier with old Boston Acoustics speakers. But actually I mostly play with headphones (AKG K240).
AndrewSimon said:
What kind of guitar are you usually playing?
My current usual favs:
Duesenberg 49er
Gibson ES-339

I also use to play sometimes with:
Fender Jazzmaster
Godin xtSA
Ibanez Stratocaster (1975)

But my presets are mostly adapted to the Duesenberg and the Gibson.
Some of them work better with one guitar. For example "Blackface Verb" sounds incredible using the ES-339 with the pick-up switch in mid position.
Here's a zip with fresh new presets and 2 previous Blackface presets with 8.02 updated Drive.
Raca said:
AndrewSimon said:
What kind of guitar are you usually playing?
My current usual favs:
Duesenberg 49er
Gibson ES-339

I also use to play sometimes with:
Fender Jazzmaster
Godin xtSA
Ibanez Stratocaster (1975)

But my presets are mostly adapted to the Duesenberg and the Gibson.
Some of them work better with one guitar. For example "Blackface Verb" sounds incredible using the ES-339 with the pick-up switch in mid position.

Well they all sound right at home with my LP (R0)

Thanks! Really liked Blackface TBdrive, Raca Crisp, Cornford Smooth and Raca DrZ!
I wanted to upload new presets here but "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached"... :cry:
Ok, due to the above problem I've made them available here.

All presets are using amp and cab sims, so they should sound better with FRFR.
Only stock cabs - no third party IR's.
"Raca Reso800" and "Raca Warm800 Wah" make use of an expression pedal (Ext1).

Enjoy again :p
I've tweaked some of my presets for firmware 9.00.
I find they sound much much better now!

Here are some:
Raca said:
My Axe-Fx, keyboards and drums module are plugged into a digital mixer which is connected to a dedicated Hi-Fi amplifier with old Boston Acoustics speakers. But actually I mostly play with headphones (AKG K240).

Raca, Thanks for sharing your patches, I play my Ultra through a decent Hi-Fi system as well and your patches sound very good through my system. One of these days I'll spend the money on some Dynaudios but for now, the stereo gets me by.
Thank you guys for the kind comments.

I would like to post another zip full of presets but "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached".
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