Seventh Season's new Single "Part of Me"


Hi to all!
Here's my new(and first) single (Finally....after years).
All guitars and bass done with AxeFx2:razz
(euro red, slo100, TM suhr se100)

Would real love to have some comments. (be nasty)
Rock ON!!!!!!! FOREVER!!!!

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Like the song, good playing; however, it sounds like it was mixed by a guitar player. Drums are weak, especially the cymbals are smeared.(It could be because of soundcloud and compression) On the bridge the level or something changed that sounded strange. But overall, not bad:)
Cool song man, but the reverb is to much for me personally. Obviously this is a part of the sound, but maybe a different verb or a tiny bit less.
Thanks Eric, too much in general or vox?
just to get an idea.

For me, I think a little to much in general. For me it feels like the drums are very far away and overall things are becoming a little washed out. The snare especially. I think it might actually sound good if you just copied the same snare track completely dry and layered it over the long reverberant one. I totally get what your going for and your almost there. But part of that type of snare sound is having a solid thwack to go along with the long decay. Very close though. And maybe a little less gain on the guitars for me personally :)
To me, that is huge improvement! Some people say that the kick and snare really make a record what it is, since they are played so consistently and keep the rhythmic element. I think it sounds really great now. If I had any other suggestion, I would say just play with the velocity levels of the kick for certain parts, especially the kick rolls into snare hits. To much consistency makes them sound a little fake, and everything else sounds very natural so it sticks out a little. And maybe eq the kick with a little less click for the soft sections so that it sounds a little more situated in with the mix. I really like the acoustic guitar sound too.

And add a little dirty delay to those vocals! That will sit them nicely :) And vocal harmonies for the choruses.
Thanx once again Eric!!! My main man!!!
I'll see what I can do on velocity and delay.
Will post again!!! For sure!!!
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