Setting up record help!


Hi guys I am new usb to the axe fx. Just spent the last few months working my way round it and making good progress.

For the first time just now I have tried to set up to record and it's gone a bit sour.

I am using an Apple iMac running latest logic proX and my first plan was to use a high quality USB cable I have. I managed to get it to be seen in logic but it sounds damm awful and has a huge latency delay. I have low latency mode on and my buffer speed set to 128, this whole set up works great all my other recording so it's just getting the axe in there now.

I have played around for hours and searched this and other forums but can't find the answer.

Could anybody help I'm really stuck and a little bit sad!!!

Since posting this 2 hours ago I have played around and searched n searched and I am really stuck as to why it sounds so bad etc. please could someone spare a little knowledge I would appreciate it so much. Matthew
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