Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier


Say I have a Volume modifier block set to control a series of time based blocks like delay. The block is connected to an external expression pedal, and the volume control is set to a parameter range of 0 to 10. Is there a way to specify the initial value of the parameter that would be set when the preset is loaded, irrespective of where the expression pedal is set? Say expression is fully engaged based on where I used it last, but I'd like the preset to load with a value of 3. The behavior I observe, which is logical in many ways is that it appears that AxeFX sets the level of the control based on where the expression pedal is currently located. It makes sense, but alas, if 30% pedal setting is a good "average" level for my preset, it would be nice to have the ability to set the initial value upon preset load. Can that be done?
I found this in the user manual:
PC Reset sets the value for an external source when a preset first loads. This allows you to override the actual
position of an external controller until it is moved or updated. To set the default value: after applying the modifier,
exit to the Edit page. Notice that the value of that parameter can be edited as usual. If PC Reset is ON, the value
you set and then save will be used from preset load until the source is changed (i.e. the pedal has been moved).

However, the sentence "Notice that the value of that parameter can be edited as usual." does not appear to work as even when setting PC reset to ON, I cannot edit/modify the value of the modifier. Otherwise, this would be exactly what I want. Wondering if it works only for Fractal controllers but not External controllers?
It appears to be an AxeEdit bug as I found other threads where the same issue is mentioned, since 2020. Apparently, it works when setting the initial value from the AxeFX itself, so going to try that.
I can confirm that the initial values can be set from the AxeFX unit itself (a) can be modified and (b) get loaded as initial values with PC reset set to ON. It's really tedious to do from the Axe unit, so would be nice ifd they could fix the software bug, but in any case, this is great.
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Me again. While the above works, it doesn't seem to allow Scene level. When I set the initial values from the AF3 unit, it applies them to all 8 scenes for my preset, and trying to Store scenes with different values doesn't work as the last save override all the other levels. Wondering if this ia a limitation or whether there is some other parameter to adjust? I could always use multiple presets, but I'd rather use scenes.
Update: I was able to make it work via Channels in the Mixer. I set Channel A to a specific set of initial values, and channel B to another set. Then I set the Scenes to use the relevant channel. It seems to work. Powerful unit this AxeFXIII...
However, the sentence "Notice that the value of that parameter can be edited as usual." does not appear to work as even when setting PC reset to ON
Axe-Edit allows normal editing while PC Reset is in effect, before the modifier source takes control. You can also click the value field and type a value at any time. The mouse actually still works (somewhat) if the modifier's taken control--the stored value will be what you last saw while dragging, not the currently-heard setting it goes back to visually if you stop dragging. (Note that a new click + drag attempt will begin from the modifier-based position in this scenario, and the scroll wheel won't really work as intended. Ctrl can be used anytime during a single click & drag for more precise adjustment.)
Yeah, this is not a bug. It's the intended way to keep the editor and the remote control in sync when PC Reset is turned on. If you want to change the default value you get when loading the preset, use the editor to set that value before you use the pedal to remotely control it. I wouldn't recommend trying to edit the value at all after using the remote control. Instead, simply reload the preset, then use the editor to change the value.
Revisiting the above. As mentioned earlier, I got it to work at the preset level but not at the scene level. Now say I have a preset with 2 scenes, but each scene needs the default controller value to be different? Is the only solution to save 2 presets?
Revisiting the above. As mentioned earlier, I got it to work at the preset level but not at the scene level. Now say I have a preset with 2 scenes, but each scene needs the default controller value to be different? Is the only solution to save 2 presets?
No, not really. Once the modifier source value changes, it has control of the parameter and PC Reset becomes irrelevant to how the preset works from that point until it's reloaded. The only way to do this without switching presets or at least reloading the current one (with Ignore Redundant PC off) as part of the scene change process would be to use MIDI for the expression pedal and send a certain value of the same CC# as the pedal when changing scenes.
that's a great idea and easy to do as MIDI blocks work at the scene level. However, using Scenes to send MIDI CC requires using the MIDI block. But how can I get the AxeFX to send a MIDI message to itself? Say my expression pedal is on CC #29, what MIDI channel number am I supposed to use in the MIDI block? My MIDI expression pedal doesn't have a MIDI channel to receive, it just sends a CC to the AxeFX.
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Sorry to bump this. Anyone knows if it is possible for a MIDI block to send a CC to the AxeFX, i.e. some sort of loopback?
Sorry to bump this. Anyone knows if it is possible for a MIDI block to send a CC to the AxeFX, i.e. some sort of loopback?
Plug a midi cable from midi out to midi in... But you're using a midi controller already so that may not be an option unless your controller can pass or merge it's midi input (assuming it has it).
The Axe is indeed in a MIDI loop with 3 other devices, so this is why I was hoping it would indeed send back to itself, but it doesn't seem to work.
Sorry to bump this. Anyone knows if it is possible for a MIDI block to send a CC to the AxeFX, i.e. some sort of loopback?

You can loop back if your midi controller is capable of doing a merge of the scene midi block CC with its own output. Connect the Axe-FX midi out to the controller midi in. Or use a midi merger. Turn on "ignore redundant pc" and/or turn off "send midi pc".

Or if your controller is capable of being programmed to send a pair of CC messages on a button press, you could send the scene CC followed by a CC to set the initial value. Failing the ability to do either of those, you'll have to use multiple presets.
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Thanks @GlennO. I cannot seem to get your first suggestion to work, adsding the CC into9 the MIDI block does nothing. It seems that the message is sent but it is not received at the end of the chain. My MIDI chain is as follows:
FocusRite MIDI out -> AxeFX In -> AxeFX Out -> Behringer FCB1010 In -> FCB1010 Out -> FocusRite MIDI in

It is difficult for me to implement your second suggestion, because although it can send 2 CC's, my FCB1010 MIDI controller is programmed to either increment/decrement scenes, or provide access to scenes 1 thru 8. However, whether I want to set the original CC of the volume modifier depends on which scene is a specific preset, say preset 400 and scene 2. My FCB1010 has no clue about what preset I am in, so it would set the CC volume to all scenes #2 irrespective of the preset.
I really hate to have to do this at the preset level, but since I only have very few presets where I need to do this, I think it is OK. But it would be really nice if the unit and the editor could allow setting various controllers to initial values at the Scene level.
Thanks @GlennO. I cannot seem to get your first suggestion to work, adsding the CC into9 the MIDI block does nothing. It seems that the message is sent but it is not received at the end of the chain. My MIDI chain is as follows:
FocusRite MIDI out -> AxeFX In -> AxeFX Out -> Behringer FCB1010 In -> FCB1010 Out -> FocusRite MIDI in

It is difficult for me to implement your second suggestion, because although it can send 2 CC's, my FCB1010 MIDI controller is programmed to either increment/decrement scenes, or provide access to scenes 1 thru 8. However, whether I want to set the original CC of the volume modifier depends on which scene is a specific preset, say preset 400 and scene 2. My FCB1010 has no clue about what preset I am in, so it would set the CC volume to all scenes #2 irrespective of the preset.
I really hate to have to do this at the preset level, but since I only have very few presets where I need to do this, I think it is OK. But it would be really nice if the unit and the editor could allow setting various controllers to initial values at the Scene level.
You might want to consider the UnO replacement prom for the FCB... Or the more recent UnO2.

They add a lot of capability to the FCB1010 for a small investment.
Thanks @GlennO. I cannot seem to get your first suggestion to work, adsding the CC into9 the MIDI block does nothing. It seems that the message is sent but it is not received at the end of the chain. My MIDI chain is as follows:
FocusRite MIDI out -> AxeFX In -> AxeFX Out -> Behringer FCB1010 In -> FCB1010 Out -> FocusRite MIDI in

You can't simply connect to a midi input and expect that will be merged into the output. The midi device needs to be capable of merging. As I mentioned above, if it doesn't have that capability, then you'll need to use a merger.
You can't simply connect to a midi input and expect that will be merged into the output. The midi device needs to be capable of merging. As I mentioned above, if it doesn't have that capability, then you'll need to use a merger.
I am going to try and take the MIDI connection to the computer (via Focusrite interface) out of the MIDI loop to see what happens. The FCB1010 has a parameter for MIDI merge (assuming it works).
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