Sending Axe signal through computer (Ableton), monitoring?


Hi all. I have a question that I was hoping someone could chime in on. I used to own a Standard and am strongly considering getting the II. 90% of my playing time would just be studio use. My setup would be guitar > Axe FX > Presonus FP10 soundcard into Ableton Live and a loop within Live with the Axe. I currently own a pair of KRK Rokit 6s which I'm considering upgrading to a better monitor or a powered FRFR solution. My question is, is there going to be much of a change in sound if I run recorded guitar loops (a wet recorded signal from the Axe) from Live to my monitors or FRFR speakers as opposed to going Guitar > FMR RNP (preamp) > Presonus FP10 > Live > Axe FX > monitors/FRFR. The second option would result in a dry recorded guitar signal being processed post Ableton.

I'm also interested in using the II for general effects processing in my setup so I would basically be hoping to use the first method and just run the Axe in a loop in Live. Hopefully this isn't too confusing.

Anyone have any experience with this?

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