Selecting Amps and Cabs - Previous/Next


I'm still not familiar with the vast number of available amps and cabs, so am still exploring an awful lot with them. At the moment, when you change these, you have to click on the selected option name and it brings up a massive list of options to explore.

What (I think) would be really nice would be a +/- button next to the selected block so that it will just load up the next/previous amp or cab block from the list. Similar to how you can move through presets or scenes.

Not sure if this has already been requested or mooted, but it would be a nice efficiency measure or time-saver just for exploration.
If you click on the parameter name ("TYPE" in this case) to select the field, you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list. You'll see a dotted white line around the parameter area to show it's selected. This works for all of the parameter fields, BTW.
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